19 riders rolled up to the sports centre in Linithgow at 9.00am. The group was split into a larger active group of 13 and a smaller social group of 6 riders.
Andy in the Active group sends in this report:
A fantastic turnout today, I think 19 is a record turnout for a club run. The groups headed out together and then split into social/active groups at Bridgend. I went on the active ride for a change, with 12 others. The roads we travelled weren't too icy, apart from some white frost in places, especially through Almondell park.
Once we got up onto the Lang Wang we had a bit of a chain gang session down to the West Calder junction. It was a great workout, a bit tight on my fixed wheel but enjoyable! I had around 42 miles when I got back, including the run over in the morning from my home in Bathgate.
If we get that number of riders out on a day when our water bottles are icing up , who knows how many will be out on hotter day!
Neil Fraser, also on the Active ride said "I really enjoyed today's run - well I enjoyed it once we'd safely passed all the icy/snowy bits! It was such a great day to be out on the bike that I didn't want to go home, so I detoured by Dalmeny on my way back to Bo'ness."
Neil Fraser, also on the Active ride said "I really enjoyed today's run - well I enjoyed it once we'd safely passed all the icy/snowy bits! It was such a great day to be out on the bike that I didn't want to go home, so I detoured by Dalmeny on my way back to Bo'ness."
Social Group
Matt lead the social group and thoroughly enjoyed the ride and said "It was nice cycling without getting hot and bothered at the social pace, much easier to take in the country side on this clear but cold morning"
"We could see the Active group in the distance as we rode up the hill at Bridgend but lost sight after we stopped to regroup at the top."
"Because of all the road closures and icy lanes, we ended up picking our own route around West Lothian: Faucheldean, Broxburn (Kevin pointed out a Herbies Bikes on Greendykes Road, a shop that warrants a proper visit I think) Along the A89 and then, left, onto the back roads to Pumpherston and to Bathgate."
"At Bathgate the group split, Andy, Jim and Ewan headed home via Torphichen and Dick, Kevin, Dean and I rode over the Knock for some descent views of the Forth valley."
Ewan said "I had a really enjoyable morning out. The social group ride flew by as it was good to get time to chat to people and I didn't even notice the first hour and a bit. It'll be nice to be out one day without getting frozen toes, but if the trade off is a beautiful clear day like Saturday , then it's probably a price worth paying!"
All our club run information can be found on the main website here: www.westlothianclarion.co.uk/clubruns
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