Sunday, 1 March 2009

Where am I?

Where am I2
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion

Anyone know where this lovely West Lothian road is? A free Cadbury's Fudge for the first correct answer...


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....Don't recognise it but looking at the lie of the land, the buildings and the forest is it here, looking north?,-3.57965|14|4&dp=os&bd=useful_information&loc=GB:55.93281:-3.58025:14|Linlithgow|

Anonymous said...

I think it's heading from the Knock towards Kingscavil direction?

Anonymous said...

The downhill bit after hacking up out of Dechmont. There are some yumps that I used to take off on the road bike, very daft. The road will lead you to a turn down fi the Cavil and on to Lithgae?

Matthew Ball said...

Foz wins the chocolate bar! HIs guess looks correct to within a centimetre. Must make these a bit more difficult!