Tuesday, 17 November 2009

SCU Volunteer & Coaching Conference

On Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th January 2010, Scottish Cycling will organise a Volunteer & Coaching Conference. The location of the conference is yet to be confirmed.

A variety of courses will be offered, ranging from officials training and coaching development sessions to sports equity and child protection workshops. It will be a great opportunity to extend your knowledge, share your thoughts with others, get advice from experts and learn new skills.

The following courses are already confirmed:
• Saturday 16th January (full day): Assistant MTB XC Commissaires Course* (new)
•Sunday 17th January (full day): Assistant Road Commissaires Course*
•Sunday 17th January (full day): Coaching Development workshop

Keep an eye on the SC website for updates on courses and the location of the conference.

It would be great asset to the club if a member attended the assistant Assistant Road Commissaires Course

to register your interest, please contact me at secretary[AT]westlothianclarion.co.uk

*Participant must hold valid British Cycling Membership

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