When: 7.30pm, Wednesday 27th January
Where: Linlithgow Rose Social Club, Linlithgow
Location map: click here
Attendance at the AGM is open to all paid-up 2010 members. Membership renewals and new applications will be accepted up until half an hour before the start of the AGM but earlier renewal would be preferable. All classes of club membership have full and equal voting rights
Senior membership is £15.00.
Household membership is just £10.50 (for partners or those aged 15-17).
If you are renewing your membership there is no need to re-submit a membership form unless your personal details have changed.
New members can download a membership form form the website here: www.westlothianclarion.co.uk/join.html
Cheques for should be made payable to "West Lothian Clarion"
email: secretary[AT]westlothianclarion.co.uk for details of where to send you membership form and/or cheque
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