Saturday, 27 August 2011

West Lothian Clarion Annual General Meeting

Our AGM will be held at the Linlithgow Rose Social Club on Wednesday 14th September at 7.30pm

All club members are expected to be present

Attendance at the AGM is open to all paid-up 2011 members. New applications will be accepted up until half an hour before the start of the AGM but earlier would be preferable - All classes of club membership have full and equal voting rights.

The purposes of the club's AGM are to:

> Consider and approve the minutes of the 2010 AGM
> Consider reports from the club's elected officers, including the club's financial statements
> Elect the club's officers for 2011-2012
> Consider any proposed changes to the club constitution and any other motions proposed by club members

Invitations are requested, by Monday 5th September at the latest for:

> Nominations to the club's eight elected offices (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Race Secretary, Women's Coordinator, Communication's Secretary, Social Secretary)
> Any other motions that any members wish to propose. Please note that a motion is a proposal that a specific action be taken by the club, though there will be plenty of time to discuss any other wider issues of concern to the membership at the end of the AGM.
> Any events to be added to the 2012 Calendar

Please send any items by email only to:

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