Thursday, 2 June 2011

Double up for an East Calder and Linlithgow combined run on Saturday

Club Captain, Neil Greer sets us straight about this weekend's club runs - don't forget the about the East Calder and Linlithgow meet up

Hi All,

This week's club run, being the 1st Saturday of the month, is the Combined Run to Caldercruix (and given the CCCCCCCC moniker last time we did this run - prizes for anyone who can remember what that stands for!)


So, meet at Linlithgow at 8.50 am for a 9 am depart and at 7.50 am for an 8 am depart for the East Calder Riders riders.

There will be the usual Active and Social groups swelled by the increased numbers from the combined ride.

The forecast looks a tad mixed, with 10C, poss. light showers and an 11 mph N/E

Meet at The Cross for a 9 am depart, route to be decided on the day.

So, who will be riding this week-end?

Sign up on the forum:

Please read our RIDE GUIDE before you come along on the rides:



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