Monday, 6 September 2010

It's all going on in September

The club has loads of events this month...

First up is the club's hill climb and freewheel championship next Saturday 11th September at 9.00am

Followed by our AGM, upstairs, at the Black Bitch Pub in Linlithgow, on Thursday 16th September, starting 7.30 sharp

On Sunday 19th September, Neil Fraser is organising our 160KM 3 Glens Explorer Audax. Entries are still open but get your form in the post this week

On Sunday 26th September we are holding our 2-up TT champs on the new Limerigg course. The event has a new trophy kindly donated by Kevin O'hara. The event will be handicapped so every team will have a chance of winning. Sign up for our last race of the year on the 2-up TT thread on the forum

We are also looking for helpers for the hill climb and Audax please take a look here:

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