Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Volunteers wanted for Lang Whang TT

Dear Clarion Member

We are looking for volunteers for the Lang Whang Hilly TT on Sunday 25th March.

We still have vacancies for essential volunteer posts

Organiser Julie Dominguez has already done a great deal to get the event up and running and she now needs your support:


Sadiq Mir and Craig Duncan have already volunteered (thanks guys) but we need 4 more
1. Your name here
2. Your name here
3. Your name here
4. Your name here

Sign On
Angus Gallie has already volunteered (thanks) but we need another helper
1. Your name here

We need two volunteers
1. Your name here
2. Your name here

Home bakers and a soup maker
All offers of scran welcomed

Please email Julie on julie.dominguez[AT]live.co.uk to offer your help


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