Sunday, 21 September 2008


Is anyone watching this blog?

Can we start using it and start passing the word around that it is active again?



Anonymous said...

Hey Bill. I still take a look form time to time!
It might be an idea to set up a number of subjects - Rides, Sportives, TTs, Roadracing etc

We can then comment on individual subjects rather than getting a longer rambling one

Anonymous said...

are you guys still meeting at the Korean war memorial on Saturday mornings 8:30?

I would like to join you for a ride next week if you are.


Anonymous said...

Hi Steve
Yes, we're still meeting at the Korean War Memorial every Saturday but during the Winter it's 9.00am. We also meet at the Cross in Linlithgow every Sunday at 9.00 am
hope to see you on th road
OS 65