On the 31st October the meeting point for the Saturday run will move to the Linlithgow Leisure Centre and start at the new time of 9.00am.
We will also now be running two rides: a 'social' ride and an 'Active' ride following a similar route and covering about 30-40 miles. We want everyone in the club to come out and give them a try, the new format will only succeed if you come along and support them.
Our rides are not suitable for those who are new to cycling or occasional leisure cyclists. But if you are regularly riding at least 30 miles in about 2.5 hours and are looking to develop your abilities in the company of others, our social rides would be an ideal and welcoming place to start.
This ride is ideal for people coming out with the club for the first time. The pace is steady and the average speed is about 13-15mph over mixed terrain. No one will get abandoned but riders can get dropped on climbs, if this happens the group will wait and regroup. If you find the pace too high please SPEAK UP so the speed can be slowed or the route altered to get you home safely. Riders are assumed to be self supporting and, while the group might have a café stop, this is not guaranteed, and riders should carry adequate food and drink. If you you don't feel up to this level of riding we can put you in contact with the local Cyclists Touring Club
This ride is aimed at people who want to improve their fitness. The pace is steady with an average speed of about 16-19mph so you need to be fit to participate. The pace is kept up over climbs and there is sometimes a sprint at the end. Rides tend to be between 30-40 miles and don't wander too far from the start. The group will aim to accommodate a reasonable range of abilities but those significantly slower than the general pace of the group should be prepared to navigate their own way home. The Social ride will roughly follow the same route so you can drop back and ride home at a more leisurely pace.
Before you come on a ride please read the following important information
1. Prepare your bike
2. Safe group riding
3. Group riding technique
4. Group riding hand signals
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