A sizeable portion of the club's membership live in the east of the county and don't always get the opportunity to make it over to Linlithgow to ride our two Saturday runs
Neil Greer, who joined earlier in the year, has been organising a group ride from East Calder and suggeted making it an 'official' Clarion club run. If you live over in that part of the county why not ride over to the start at East Calder Leisure Centre for 8.30am.
The ride is 'Social' with the speed between 13-15mph covering about 40-50 miles. They always stop at a cafe and lke all our 'Social' rides no body gets left behind
Alternate Saturday club run: East Calder start
Start Promptly at 8.30 am so arrive with plenty of time beforehand
Meet East Calder Sports Centre. See google map
Type of ride This ride is a 'SOCIAL' ride
Distance Can be anything from 35 to (rarely) 80 miles but the average is 40 - 50.
Cafe Stop A re-fuelling cake stop is compulsory!
Parking We encourage riders to cycle to the start but there is ample parking at the sports centre and also in neighbouring side streets if you need it
Contact Neil Greer on ngreer[AT]qedms.com
All our rides information can be found at www.westlothianclarion.co.uk/clubruns
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