Friday, 30 October 2009
Meet Chris Hoy
Waterstone's, 13-14 Princes Street (East End branch), Edinburgh T: 0131 556 3034
Go and meet one of Britain’s greatest Olympians and most admired sporting heroes, Scottish cyclist Chris Hoy, who will be here signing copies of his new autobiography.
Arrive early to avoid disappointment. If you are unable to attend, Waterstones can often reserve signed copies - contact the branch in advance for details. Signed copies cannot be guaranteed and may not carry dedications.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Women's club run
New East Calder Saturday club run
Neil Greer, who joined earlier in the year, has been organising a group ride from East Calder and suggeted making it an 'official' Clarion club run. If you live over in that part of the county why not ride over to the start at East Calder Leisure Centre for 8.30am.
The ride is 'Social' with the speed between 13-15mph covering about 40-50 miles. They always stop at a cafe and lke all our 'Social' rides no body gets left behind
Alternate Saturday club run: East Calder start
Start Promptly at 8.30 am so arrive with plenty of time beforehand
Meet East Calder Sports Centre. See google map
Type of ride This ride is a 'SOCIAL' ride
Distance Can be anything from 35 to (rarely) 80 miles but the average is 40 - 50.
Cafe Stop A re-fuelling cake stop is compulsory!
Parking We encourage riders to cycle to the start but there is ample parking at the sports centre and also in neighbouring side streets if you need it
Contact Neil Greer on ngreer[AT]
All our rides information can be found at
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
All new Saturday rides

From 31st October the Saturday club run will start from the Linlithgow Leisure Centre at 9.00am. There will be two rides, a slower 'social' ride and a faster 'active' ride. Please come along and support the new format.
All the details are on the website
Monday, 26 October 2009
Ride of the year nominations wanted
Please send in your nominations for this year's award so that a shortlist of five rides can be made and then voted on by club members.
The award recognises an outstanding ride by a member or a group of members during the year. It doesn't have to be the fastest ride.
Nominations could be for a new personal best time or a ride where a member overcame adversity, or completed a major challenge, or a new record or simply a ride that makes a great story.
Send in your nominations to me at
Explain why you think your nomination should be on the shortlist, describing their amazing ride.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Clarion Braveheart Fund Donation
The Club gives one pound of every membership fee as a donation to the Braveheart fund. Given that applications are now open for 2010 membership renewals (don't forget!!) we totted up 68 memberships in 2009 and sent off a cheque to the Braveheart. As it's a donation from each and every club member, I thought I'd share the letter I've just received:
Dear Graham
Many thanks for your kind donation on behalf of the West Lothian Clarion CC.
It is very kind of the club to think of the Braveheart Fund like this. It is also pleasing to hear that your membership is rising. I'm sure you must be doing good things at the Clarion to attract such numbers. Hopefully in the near future one of your riders will qualify for funding from the Braveheart.
Once again thank you for the donation.
Kind regards
Alan Miller
Braveheart Fund
The Braveheart Fund was launched in 2003 by former British champion, Motorola professional and Giro d’Italia survivor Brian Smith. Its aim is simple: to raise the funds to allow young Scottish cyclists, be they roadies, trackies or mountain bikers, to fulfil their potential.
Monday, 19 October 2009
We will also now be running two rides: a 'social' ride and an 'Active' ride following a similar route and covering about 30-40 miles. We want everyone in the club to come out and give them a try, the new format will only succeed if you come along and support them.
Our rides are not suitable for those who are new to cycling or occasional leisure cyclists. But if you are regularly riding at least 30 miles in about 2.5 hours and are looking to develop your abilities in the company of others, our social rides would be an ideal and welcoming place to start.
This ride is ideal for people coming out with the club for the first time. The pace is steady and the average speed is about 13-15mph over mixed terrain. No one will get abandoned but riders can get dropped on climbs, if this happens the group will wait and regroup. If you find the pace too high please SPEAK UP so the speed can be slowed or the route altered to get you home safely. Riders are assumed to be self supporting and, while the group might have a café stop, this is not guaranteed, and riders should carry adequate food and drink. If you you don't feel up to this level of riding we can put you in contact with the local Cyclists Touring Club
This ride is aimed at people who want to improve their fitness. The pace is steady with an average speed of about 16-19mph so you need to be fit to participate. The pace is kept up over climbs and there is sometimes a sprint at the end. Rides tend to be between 30-40 miles and don't wander too far from the start. The group will aim to accommodate a reasonable range of abilities but those significantly slower than the general pace of the group should be prepared to navigate their own way home. The Social ride will roughly follow the same route so you can drop back and ride home at a more leisurely pace.
Before you come on a ride please read the following important information
1. Prepare your bike
2. Safe group riding
3. Group riding technique
4. Group riding hand signals
Kid's section
The kid's club will be aiming for GoRide accreditation, Scottish Cycling's programme for developing youth cycling.
The kids club will revolve around a Saturday morning or evening training session following the GoRide manuals, which are provided by Scottish Cycling . The emphasis is on fun, while teaching a variety of cycling skills which can be done on any bike. All the activities take place on traffic free facilities, such as school playing fields and playgrounds.
We are looking for volunteers to get involved with running the section and start planning the next year for a launch in April 2010.
If you are interested in getting involved or want to find out more information about the kids section come along to the first planning meeting.
Date: Wednesday 11th November
Time: 8pm
Location: TBA
I've visited a Johnstone Jets training session and plan to model our kids section on their set up.
Group riding skills session
View Mill Road Industrial Estate in a larger map
Learn to cycle in a group confidently and pick up essential skills for racing and sportive riding at our group riding skills session. The session will be about 1 and a half hours and will cover a few basic drills and to improve your technique.
Date Sunday 8th November
Time 3pm
Location Mill Road Industriual Estate, Linlithgow Bridge.
Bring cycling shoes and trainers, warm clothing
Don't use your best wheels or lovely carbon fibre racer!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
President's run photos
On Saturday the club held it's first ever President's run, announcing the start of the cycling 'social season'. Mr President Bill Young, devised a fabulous route down to Biggar for a cafe stop. Almost 30 riders from all over our county set off in two groups from Bathgate on a cold but gloriously sunny autumn day. The group rode through some of West Lothian's finest countryside as we trundled though Blackburn, Addiewell, Woolfords, Carnwath, Biggar and back via Braehead, Forth, Climpy, Fauldhouse and Blackridge for one of the club's most successful events.
Friday, 16 October 2009
1. One hand ‘gently patting an invisible dog’: The whole group should slow down or ease back.
2. Hand straight up in air: Group is stopping for a junction, puncture or because there’s an obstruction.
3. Left or right hand extended: Change in direction ahead or indicating the direction of a turn.
4. Elbow flick: This is more often seen on the track, but it’s sometimes used on the road when riding in a chain gang. It indicates that a rider on the front has finished a turn, is about to pull off and would like you to come through.
5. Waving/pointing behind: Indicates there’s an obstruction that the whole group needs to move in the direction indicated to avoid.
6. Pointing down at road: Obstruction on road to avoid, such as road kill, pothole or drain cover.
Riding in a group has many advantages but it also places certain responsibilities on each rider. Punctures, mechanicals etc, whilst often bad luck, can be less of a trial if certain precautions are taken before the run:
1. Make sure your bike is safe
Check brakes, wheels, rims and steering. Also ensure that nothing is loose (especially mudguards) or liable to fall off.
2. Check your tyres
Worn tyres are the single biggest preventable cause of punctures. Multiple punctures, apart from being a pain, won't endear you to other riders waiting for you on a cold day !
Make sure you know how to fix a puncture - practice beforehand if you need to.
3. What do I need to bring on a club run
Pump, spare inner tube, tyre levers, puncture kit, multi tool, rain jacket (it it looks inclement) snacks, water bottle. If it is very overcast fit a set of flashing lights
You should be capable of repairing a puncture. In the Winter fit mudguards. Also, bring some cash so if the ride stops at a café, you can get something to eat and drink.
4. Keep it light
You'll feel it if your bike is over laden, so avoid pannier racks, and panniers, you don't need the kitchen sink!
Many thanks to the ERC
1. Obey the Highway Code.
• Absolutely keep 2-abreast
• Stop at red lights and pedestrian crossings
• Keep to the correct side of the road;
2. Stay close
• Riders won't suddenly stop infront of you get used to riding about 2 feet behind the rider in front and about 1 foot from the rider at your side.
• Keep the spaces small and the group compact.
• Don't ride too far away from your partner because the wheel in front of you intimidates you.
• The gap you've left between you and your partner is a waste of space and to a motorist behind, it appears that you are three wide.
3. Be attentive
• Call the behaviour of errant riders and be prepared to heed warnings from others
4. Communicate
• You're responsible for your own safety but think of others.
• If you see an obstacle ahead like a pothole, then warn the others with a shout or hand signal.
• Give warning of approaching vehicles (but do not take risks with riding one-handed); Shout 'nose' to warn of oncoming vehicles and 'tail' to warn of vehicles behind.
5. Be Predictable
• Remember riders are following you closely behind
• Avoid sudden braking or sideways movements except in emergency, maintain a steady straight line
• Be aware of the cyclists directly in front of you, in case they slow or stop.
• Be aware that if you stand up in the saddle abruptly your bike will suddenly move backwards
• If you are on the front don't accelerate. When starting after traffic lights or a junction make sure the group is together
• If you have wait for for strugglers on a social ride, give them a few minutes to recover/have a drink/snack once they catch up. Don't set off again as soon as they arrive.
9. Singling out
• communicate clearly with the riders around you (the recommended technique is for the inside cyclist to go ahead. The outside cyclist is then able to see immediately when it is safe to move in.
10. Don't take risks
• Move to the back of the bunch if you need to remove clothing or do something else that might disrupt the bunch or involve risk.
11. Don't get distracted
• Do not use music players, check your phone or do anything that takes your attention or awareness away from other riders in the group and other road users.
12. Mechanicals
• If someone punctures or has a mechanical, everyone is expected to stop.
Riding in a bunch can be the most enjoyable experience if done in the right way. However, bunch riding can also be a huge pain if people in the group don't understand the rules. Everyone needs to know these rules for everyone's safety.
1. Hold your wheel
An appropriate gap between your front wheel and the person in front is around 60cm (2 foot). Keep your hands close to the brakes in case of sudden slowing. Sometimes people who are not used to riding in a bunch will feel too nervous at this close range - riding on the right side is generally less nerve-racking for such people as they feel less hemmed in. Watching "through" the wheel in front of you to one or two riders ahead will help you hold a smooth, straight line.
2. Don't leave gaps when following wheels
Maximise your energy savings by staying close to the rider in front. Cyclists save about 30 per cent of their energy at high speed by following a wheel. Each time you leave a gap you are forcing yourself to ride alone to bridge it. Also, riders behind you will become annoyed and ride around you. If you are in the bunch and there is no one beside the person in front of you, you should move into that gap (otherwise you will be getting less windbreak than everyone else will). Conversely, if you are that person and no-one moves into that gap beside you, you should move to the back of the bunch, the next pair to roll off will come back and one of those riders will fall in beside you.
3. Don't overlap wheels
A slight direction change or gust of wind could easily cause you to touch wheels with the rider in front and fall.
4. Brake carefully
Ride safely and try to stay off the brakes. If you are inexperienced and too nervous to ride close to the wheel in front of you, stay alone at the back and practice. When the pace eases, don't brake suddenly, instead ride to the side of the wheel in front and ease the pedalling off, then drop back on the wheel. Practice on the back and soon you will be able to move up the line with a partner.
5. Rolling through - swapping off - taking a turn
After having a turn on the front, the right hand rider (i.e. the non-kerbside rider) moves in front of his/her partner and is joined at the front by the rider who was riding behind.
In addition to getting the opportunity to talk with everyone in the group this also means that the group never gets any wider than 2 riders.
6. Be smooth with turns at the front of the group
Avoid surges. acceleration causes gaps further back in the bunch which in turn create a "rubber band" effect as riders at the back have to continually chase to stay with the bunch. This is particularly evident in larger bunches when cornering or taking off from standing starts at traffic lights where the front of the bunch can be almost at full speed before the back of the bunch is moving.
7. No half wheeling
Make sure you know the general speed of the bunch, when you go to the front, keep your speed around the same, and keep your wheels and handlebars in line with the person next to you.
8. Always retire to the back of the bunch
If riders push in somewhere in the middle of the bunch rather than retiring to the back after taking a turn, it can get tricky and means other riders will have to wait longer for their turn on the front
9. Do not panic if you brush shoulders, hands or bars with another rider
Try to stay relaxed in your upper body to absorb any bumps. This is a part of riding in close bunches and is quite safe provided riders do not panic, brake or change direction.
10. Forward pressure
Many riders, even the experienced ones, freewheel momentarily when they first get out of the saddle to go over a rise or a hill. When doing this, the bike is forced backwards. Try to keep forward pressure on the pedals when you get out of the saddle to avoid this situation.
11. When climbing hills, avoid following a wheel too closely
Many riders often lose their momentum when rising out of the saddle on a hill which can cause a sudden deceleration. This can often catch a rider who is following too closely, resulting in a fall from a wheel touch.
12. Look ahead
13. Lead in front
Remember when you are on the front, you are not only responsible for yourself but everyone in the group. When you are leading the bunch, try to monitor potential problems and give plenty of warning of impending stops or changes of pace. Make sure you know where you are going
14. Don't use your aero bars in a bunch ride
Never use your aero bars in a bunch ride - not even if you are at the front. Using aero bars means that your hands are away from the brakes. Aero bars are for time trial or non-draft triathlon use only.
15. Experienced riders should share their knowledge
Experienced riders should point out any mistakes made by less experienced riders. This must be done diplomatically of course, but it is important to make people aware of unsafe riding and help them learn the right behaviour. Riding in a bunch is about everyone's safety.
Many thanks to the ERC and
Two Clarionistas at the Stirling Duathlon
Angus sends in this report from last weekend's Stirling Duathalon, well done to both Angus and Dean who also took part.
This was my first year of trying to combine running and cycling so it seemed like a good idea to attempt a Duathlon.
The main scottish championships were on simultaneously, but I wimped out and entered the 'sprint' event. This was 5km run - 20km bike - 5km run .
I'd checked out the bike course the week before (first time using tri-bars!) and on paper I'd an idea of what I could do on the bike and the run(s).
The reality of putting it all together was of course quite different and I was initially a bit dissapointed, however I guess I've got to be pleased with 17th overall out of 133. There were 6 or 7 vets in front of me. I might have been fastest super-vet (over 50) if it wasn't for a certain Mr. Bud Johnston, who finished 2nd overall. I'm sure he's an ex scottish champion or something! (He should have been doing the championship event!). The bike course was ok but as you know there was a pretty strong west wind on Sunday, so the second half along the 'foothills' was pretty brutal.I reckoned the course was a wee bit longer than 20 km and I did it in about 37:30 (so maybe equvalent to a about a '29' ten) It's a quite unique experience coming straight off a TT on the bike and then trying to run!!
Anyway, I met Dean at the start who was giving it a go despite having only run on a gym treadmill! So his time and overall placing was brilliant (50th). Maybe he'll add to this thread with a wee report?
Scottish Cycling Volunteer & Coaching Conference 2010
A variety of courses will be offered, ranging from officials training and coaching development sessions to sports equity and child protection workshops. It will be a great opportunity to extend your knowledge, share your thoughts with others, get advice from experts and learn new skills.
The following courses are already confirmed:
Saturday 16th January (full day): Assistant MTB XC Commissaires Course* (new)
Sunday 17th January (full day): Assistant Road Commissaires Course*
Sunday 17th January (full day): Coaching Development workshop
Keep an eye on the SC website for updates on courses and the location of the conference.
For more information or to register your interest, please contact Rudi Doorn, Volunteer Support Officer, on 0131 3179704, 07508 040068 or
*Participant must hold valid British Cycling Membership
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Kingscavil hill climb report
The notoriously steep Kingscavil hill was the scene of a hill climb hosted by West Lothian Clarion, and which attracted a field of 38 riders, some putting in final preparation for next weekends National Hill Climb champs in Fife.
The race was the club's first open event and competitors travelled from as far afield as Lancashire and the Scottish Borders - and one of only two bike events to take place on a closed road in Scotland this year. To close the road, permission had to be granted by West Lothian Council.
The riders were encouraged by an enthusiastic crowd, complete with bells, horns, whistles, banners and cheers. To add to the festival feel, each rider was piped across the line by Linlithgow bagpiper, Jim Crawford.
Organiser, Bill Young, from Torphichen, said: "It was great to see such a big turn out from spectators and competitors, it felt like West Lothian's version of the Tour de France. There was a great atmosphere on the course and it was a real family event with kids to grandparents watching and making a lot of noise to cheer the riders on."
The closed road, funded by tourist agency VisitWestLothian, was fully appreciated by the riders and spectators and helped to make the event unique in Scotland. Added Young: "I'd like to thank VisitWestLothian for generously paying for the event and West Lothian Council for agreeing to the road closure; many participants commented on how the closure made the event special and have already signed up for next year."
The winner of the men's event was David Martin from Edinburgh's Bicycle Works team in a time of 2 minutes 16 seconds. He said: "Thanks for a well-organised event. It was good to race on a closed road; not something we get to do very often. There also seemed to be more spectators than you would usually find at a Scottish hill climb, so thanks to them for the encouragement. As for the hill, it's horrible and always has been. I think I started a bit fast and was struggling a bit over the top, but it's always hard to get such a short effort right."
Said Michelle Gregory, the winner of the women's event in a lung-busting time of 3.59: "I thoroughly enjoyed the morning. The closed road, support of the crowd and the piper all made for a great atmosphere. That, along with the time trail style start, made me go all out at the start and I almost had nothing left for the steepest parts of the climb. I don't think my heart monitor has never read so high before. My first impression of West Lothian Clarion is of a very organised and welcoming club. I will be back again next year and hope to see plenty of women competing."
As a thankyou to local residents, West Lothian Clarion posted individual letters of appreciation though the letterboxes of all the neighbouring houses. The club would also like to thank Commissaire Alex McCulley and Time keepers Jimmy Harris, Alex Keys, Arthur Mcann and Graham Foster and all the volunteers who helped out.
April 2010 Majorca Cycling Camp
Date: Wed April 21st to Wed April 28th 2010 (To enable us to take in a weekend two day sportive)
Bike Hire (Optional)-Pro Cycle Hire. Various models, but carbon Giant costs £167.82 (180 Euros). Bike carriage on the plane costs £20.00 each way, but do we want the baggage handlers throwing all that Carbon around?
Hotel looks for a 25% deposit when booking, and the flight would have to be paid in full at time of booking.
Meet up For anyone that is interested, I would like to meet up to discuss the finer details at the Deer Park Beefeater (M8 Jct 3) at 20.00 on Sunday 18th October.
Alternatively give me a call on 07594 307886.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Monday, 12 October 2009
Women's champion: Michelle Gregory
Michelle Gregory from Bathgate won the women's championship
Photos of all the competitors have been taken by Trossachs photography and can be found on flicker here
Nick Hunter: Junior Champ
Nick Hunter from Falkik BC won the Junior championship
Photos of all the competitors have been taken by Trossachs photography and can be found on flicker here
Kingscavil HC: Men's Champ
Men's Champion: David Martin (Bicycle Works)
Photos of all the competitors have been taken by Trossachs photography and can be found on flicker here
Sunday, 11 October 2009
New member!
Steve McDonald
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
Welcome to Steve McDonald who has been out on a few club runs and decided to join up
Steve says "After snapping my achilles tendon I took up cycling as a non-impact form of exercise to battle the bulge. The bulge is still winning, but I'm still cycling. Started on a Trek 3500 doing no more than a 14 mile round trip. I have recently bought a Giant Defy 1 which has improved my speed except on the hills and I am getting in some longer trips."
"I have taken part in a few Pedal for Scotland events but the highlight of my cycling was in March 2009 when I took part in the Cape Town Argus (Tour of storms) with winds of 55kph and gusts over 70kph it was tough going but I finished in a moderately respectable time.
I have been on a few club runs (I'm the guy you wait on at the top of the hills) and my target is to be one of the few at the top waiting on someone else."
New Member!
David Dourley
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
Welcome to David Dourley who joined last week
David says "In my early years I was lost when I had no bike to ride. I grew up as BMX took off and had a couple of Burners. The bog standard blue and yellow one and the more sought after chrome Pro Burner (which I still have).
As I got older the cycling was replaced by study and work although I have always had a bike throughout my life."
"I'm 33 now and over the past 12 years have used the bike mainly for commuting back and forth to work (fair weather cyclist mostly). In the past few years I have been encouraged by friends around the village to build on that. As such I have been out with the guys from Kirknewton on weekend and night time rides over the past 3 or 4 years."
"I have done the 3 Caledonian etapes (no punctures on any of them) and the odd sportive here and there. I recently completed Dunkirk to Martigues (727 miles) in 7 days as part of a team on a charity ride."
"Over the next year I hope to build on my ability and take part in more organised events and improve my standard of riding. Good in theory but with 3 kids family life sometimes takes priority. Joining the club seems like the next step."
"I'm currently riding a Specialized Allez Elite and have an old Giant winter bike for the salty commute, a hardtail mountain bike and the bmx (restoration in progress). The kids all have bikes too and my wife recently took delivery of a Specialized Dolce Sport. When we get time she enjoys clocking up some miles too."
Kinscavil hill climb results
Congratulations to David Martin First overall in a lung busting time of 2.16; First woman Michelle Gregory, in her first ever race crossing the line in 3.59 and first junior Nick Hunter from Falkirk BC who went all out to get a time of 3.26
Position Name Time
1. David Martin 2.16.84
2. Kristoff Aksnes 2.21.58
3. Gordon McBride 2.24.62
4. Colin May 2.28.83
5. Peter Sammon 2.30.75
6. Stuart Moran 2.33.40
7. Alasdair Begbie 2.33.40
8. Scott Johnston 2.35.42
9. John Paterson 2.36.36
10. Ross Crook 2.38.94
11. Andrew Nicell 2.41.86
12. Colin Humphries 2.56.55
13. Drew Santry 3.04.80
14. Patrick Hall 3.08.50
15. Ally Morrell 3.08.58
16. Matt Muir 3.08.66
17. Craig Sinclair 3.14.50
18. Andrew Maxwell 3.18.77
19. Robert Hemesley 3.21.00
20. Douglas Corbett 3.21.08
21. Nick Hunter 3.26.31 (1st Junior)
22. Mark Paul 3.26.97
23. Peter Carnall 3.41.77
24. John McComisky 3.54.20
25. Giles Perkins 3.57.11
26. Michelle Gregory 3.59.00 (1st Woman)
27. Joseph Maitland 4.45.11
Mathew Ball 2.31.10 Private TT
Graham Gillooly 2.34.89 Private TT
Callum Wilkinson DNS
David Dourley DNS
Michael Browne DNS
Graham Scobie DNS
James Mason DNS
Ian Hughes DNS
Gary Bell DNS
Ross Creber DNS
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Kingscavil hill climb start sheet
1 9.01 Matt Muir West Lothian Clarion 4
2 9.02 Michelle Gregory Unattached F
3 9.03 Joseph Maitland Unattached V
4 9.04 Colin May Edinburgh Road Club 3
5 9.05 Peter Sammon Sandy Wallace Cycles 3
6 9.06 Colin Humphries West Lothian Clarion 4 Sen
7 9.07 Nick Hunter Falkirk BC U14 Jun
8 9.08 Peter Carnall Unattached NK
9 9.09 Douglas Corbett Unattached 4 Sen
10 9.10 Callum Wilkinson Endura E
11 9.11 Giles Perkins National Clarion North Cheshire 4 Vet
12 9.12 John McComisky West Lothian Clarion 4
13 9.13
14 9.14 Andrew Maxwell Unattached 4 Vet
15 9.15 Mathew Ball West Lothian Clarion 4 Vet
16 9.16 Michael Browne Edinburgh Road Club 4 Vet
17 9.17 Andrew Nicell Team Velo Ecosse NK
18 9.18 Mark Paul West Lothian Clarion 4
19 9.19 Patrick Hall Unattached 4 Vet
20 9.20 Stuart Moran Perth United 4 Sen
21 9.21 Graham Scobie Pedal Power RT NK
22 9.22 Craig Sinclair West Lothian Clarion 4
23 9.23 James Mason Unattached NK
24 9.24 Drew Santry Unattached 4
25 9.25 Graham Gillooly West Lothian Clarion 4
26 9.26 Ross Crook Edinburgh Road Club 2
27 9.27
28 9.28 Robert Hemesley West Lothian Clarion NK
29 9.29 Ian Hughes Unattached 4
30 9.30 David Martin Bicycle Works 2 Sen
31 9.31 Ally Morrell West Lothian Clarion 4
32 9.32 Alasdair Begbie Unattached 4
33 9.33 Gary Bell Edinburgh Road Club 4 Vet
34 9.34 Scott Johnston Team Icarus 3 Vet
35 9.35 Kristoff Aksnes Glasgow Wheelers 4 Sen
36 9.36 John Paterson Dumfries CC 4
37 9.37 Gordon McBride Sandy Wallace Cycles 4
Please have a look at the start sheet and check your event start time. It will take 10 minutes to cycle to the event start from the race HQ at Philpstoun Community Hall so allow time to sign on, available from 7.30am onwards, There will be a route map posted showing directions to and from the event location at the HQ and also West Lothian Clarion members available to assist you with any questions/requests that you may have.
Hopefully everyone will have a great day and please remember to bring along your race licence and if not you will have to purchase an SCU day licence for £10 which is the normal fee for this type of event. We will have all the appropriate paperwork for you on the day for signing if you have not already completed an entry form for the event.
As this is our first ever open event please pass on as much feed back as possible to all the officials so that we can learn from the vast experience of the field of riders participating in our first of many open events.
Look forward to meeting you all on the day and have a brilliant ride as I am sure you will enjoy the sound of the piper as you pass the finishing line.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Kingscavil hill climb entry deadline extended
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Next committee meeting
Friday, 2 October 2009
Port Mor Wheelers School of Cross

President's Club Run
Bill has planned a steady club run to Biggar to announce the start of the 'social season'. If you'd like to come along, take a look at the club run FAQs. The ride will follow the Sunday run format, we'll be travelling an average of 14-15 mph so you'll need to be regularly cycling 30 miles at this speed to feel comfortable on the run down to Biggar.
Start 9.00am
Date: Saturday 17th october
Meet Bathgate Sports Centre
Distance 50 miles
Pace: Steady & social
Cafe stop At biggar
A Linlithgow group will meet 8.15am at the Leisure Centre and ride to Bathgate to meet up at 9.00am
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Bathgate Alpes T shirts
The t shirts have arrived back from the printer in a limited edition run for the 10 lucky people who ordered them. If you fancy having one let me know and once I get 10 orders I'll get in contact with the printers. This set cost £10.72 each
Mail me at
Tick, tick, tick...
The date of final entries to our first open event, the Kingscavil hill climb, has been extended to Tuesday 6th October so if you are thinking of taking part, get your entry in the post today!
The event is FREE for West Lothian Clarion members and £5 for non members. If you don't have a racing license you can buy a day license for £10.
Apart form the Etape de Caledonia this is the only race on closed roads in Scotland this year.
If you don't fancy testing yourself against Scotland's finest mountain goats on 11th October, then come along and cheer the riders up the hill. We've got a bag piper stationed at the top of to motivate the participants (and the crowd). Bring your family, whistles, cow bells and horns to make some noise! Lets make it a day to remember!
Afterwards there will be refreshments and home baking at the race HQ in Philipstoune community hall.
We are looking for some home baked treats too, please email Bill at if are able to make anything
All the details here