I Popped out with Alex on the tag-a-long last Sunday and found this lovely country lane but where is it? The person with the first correct answer gets an extra hour in bed on Friday.
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It's near Dechmont - i definitely recognise this one
Isn't it the road past the lama farm?
Yeah, it's the road between North Mains and the Linlithgow-Dechmont Road.
I hope you didn't drive to Beecraigs first.
Is it on this stretch of road??
P.s, i have a good one from sunday if you'd like it Matt?
Pay attention, Foz.
That's what I just said .. .
Sorry, wrong Graham.
Nevertheless, the comment still applies :-)
'Found' it?! It's almost two years since I rode down there with you as you declared it The Best Road in West Lothian.
Which is surely worth a thread all of its own!
Dave Hamill was the first correct answer, enjoy your lie in!
And for the record, we did ride up to Beecraigs on the trailer-bike! Those hairpins are a Killer with Alex on the back but he was giving it big licks behind me. Very good training! We also went down Kingskavil!
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