The Tuesday chain gang carries on getting good numbers, double figures last week. The weekend rides are ever popular with the original Saturday ride from the Korean War Memorial picking up the most riders.
Malcolm sent in this report about the Saturday ride:
7 of us there today, Dick, new guy Ewan (who's managed to get his hands on a Boardman), MTBer and sprint king, Dave, Steve, Mike, Craig and myself.
We took a series of back roads to Winchburgh via the lama farmer during which Mike took out a sprint using my favourite tactic of taking a long breakaway whilst everyone else is picking the cornflakes out of their teeth. Joining the 10 TT course we went down to Kirkliston and where I managed to find a gap under Mike's armpit to come through and pip him at the sign. Andy punctured just under the bridge so we turned back for him after which Mike lead out the 20 or so yards through the 30 sign.
Cutting short (cos my lunch is ready) we went through Dalmeny house, back to Winchburgh where I headed home, catching up with a colleague on the way. An excellent morning's cycling!
Dave said "It's amazing that I've lived round this way for years and I keep being shown new bits of road."
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