A lot of riders are getting out and about at the moment, some are organising mid week rides using the forum others are keeping the club rides well attended.
Last Tuesday's chain gang was a great success. Craig says "John, Andy, Mike, Neil, Ross and myself set off at 7.00 prompt and did a warm up lap before the serious stuff started. We quickly got into the chain and set a steady pace despite the windy conditions.
Andy ran into mechanical problems after the first lap and had to walk back to his car leaving the five of us to it. The pace quickened for the next four laps and at this point I reckon we were all at the 80%+ effort (I know I was). We all remained togther and worked well together in the chain - keeping things nice and compact.
For the final lap the pace was upped again and although we kept together it was well into anerobic exercise.
The distance covered was approx 25 miles and average speed was coming in at 20 mph which is pretty impressive considering the conditions. All in all, a real good workout"
Our chaingang details here
Numbers are creeping up again for the Saturday ride. Seven riders made it up to the Korean War Memorial, Graham sent in this report "I don't remember everyones name, so I'll start with myself, Mark, Malcolm, Neil, Ross, Dick and the other rider might have been Tom as I think there was a joke that it was a shame no-one was called Harry!
We dropped down Preston Road into Linlithgow, round the outskirts of West Lothian Golf Club, continued west and onto a backroad that ran parallel to Grangemouth Road, up into Polmont, Brightons, Reddingmuirhead, Shieldhill, Avonbridge, Westfield, Torphichen and back up to the KWM. There were a few sprints, of which I won 3! I think Malcolm got 2 and the award for the 'sneakiest' sprint goes to Mark, who won right at the start into Linlithgow and later came from behind like a rocket to win in Avonbridge.
Malcolm said "We're definitely going to have to keep an eye on Graham 'the baby faced assassin' Gillooly in future weeks. I'm going to keep claiming the sprint on the way out of Avonbridge until the council comes and turns that 30 sign the right way around"
Melwin met up with a five riders at the Cross in Linlithgow, including Jim, Neil and Neil's son and was mightily impressed with the groups climbing abilities. Melwin has been getting the miles in so it won't be long before he is leading the way!
Club run details here
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