Sunday, 31 January 2010
Club Socials

Weekend ride reports
Quick AGM report
The minutes will be published shortly.
We now have over 70 members, which is more than the 2009 total. After the AGM last year we had 39 members so you can see how the club has grown over the last 12 months. Many thanks to all our new members and those who have rejoined for 1010.
The socials will be a great opportunity for people to get to know fellow members, the next one is on Monday 1st Feb at 8.30 in the Four Marys in Linlithgow
Click here for more details
I'd also like to thank the members for agreeing to the formation of the kids section.
Graham Foster stepped down as treasurer. The club wouldn't be as established as it is without Graham's decision making, accounting, planning, volunteering and major role in establishing good practice and writing the constitution. Graham also set up the club's 10 mile TT series last year. It won't be the last we see of him though, he is organising this year's RadTour with Tobias. Many thanks Graham.
Two new members were voted onto the committee.
Michelle Gregory is the new Treasurer. Michelle is a Kiwi, an Accountant and an experienced cyclist. Last year she won our women's open hill climb and this year she is planning on riding the infamous Marmot Sportive in France
Founding member, Bill Young, returns for more punishment as Race Secretary. Welcome back!
Tobias was voted in as President, Andy stays on as Club Captain, Bob stays on as Social Secretary and I (Matt Ball) stay on as Secretary.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
AGM this Wednesday

Attendance at the AGM is open to all paid-up 2010 members. Membership renewals and new applications will be accepted up until half an hour before the start of the AGM but earlier renewal would be preferable.
After the AGM there will be an opportunity to order club kit
Weekend club runs
Nine riders set off from Linlithgow on Saturday. Andy W, Steve, Tobias, Andy H, Neil, Jamie, Simon from Torphichen, Angus and Louis sorted themselves out into the Social and Active groups and headed towards the South of the county.
Andy H. was in the active group and says "Despite cold, drizzle and filthy roads, spirits were high, probably because we were all just glad to be actually back out cycling after a month off outdoor cycling with the snow."
"We went to Winchburgh, Broxburn, Almondell Country Park, East Calder, A70 for a bit, West Calder and Bathgate. The Strange Cycling Event of the Ride award goes to Angus’ cranky Crank. It snapped off (it was that cold!) at icy Almondell leaving the metal crank/pedal attached to his shoe but not to the bike! He had to phone for a taxi home. Simon punished us with Puir Wife’s Brae out off Bathgate and then Cairnpapple to finish off an energetic 40 miles."
Andy W. rode in the social group and says "The two fatties, Tobias and I, decided to be the social group but we all set out together as far as Bridgend. We then meandered over through Faucheldean,Winchburgh, Broxburn and Almondell country park to East Calder."
"We met up with the faster group again as they had stopped due to a broken crank on Angus's bike, after making sure he got sorted out with a taxi we cycled on to the lang wang. We continued along here for aroung six miles and then went down through Harburn and West Calder and home."
"I had cycled about 42 miles including my run over to L'gow before the start. New member Simon certainly has some miles in his legs, he stuck in well with the active group and hopefully he'll be out on many more runs. As for Tobias and me, we need more miles, less beer and less lbs on the scales, but today wasn't a bad start."
Melwin, Allan, Mike, Graham (who had cycled over from Caldercruix) and Matt set off from Linlithgow at a steady, social, pace to Dunblane and up on to Sheriffmuir, before the weather closed in and it started to snow. The group decided to return back to lower ground and make their way back to Linlithgow following the same route.
Route: Linlithgow, Polmont, Grangemouth, SkinFlats, Airth, Stirling, Bridge of Allen, Dunblane. About 55-60 miles in total.
Matt said "A good social ride, the group kept together well. Despite the social pace, my legs were sore afterwards and Mike says his were too, I suspect Melwin will take a few days to recover..."
All the ride details can be found on the website
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
National Clarion Easter Meet 2010

The 115th Easter meet will be held in Eastbourne, possibly the finest large English seaside town, in a perfect position on the South Coast, sitting at the foot of the South Downs in Sussex.
The meet Headquarters will be at the Cumberland Hotel which has a wonderful position on the seafront, with many spacious sea view rooms. Organisers Bob and Colette Harber can assure you of the excellent cuisine and friendly, helpful, efficient staff.
The manager of the hotel is a road-racer with Crawley CC and is very keen to ensure the Easter Meet will be memorable. Entertainments and complimentary afternoon tea for residents are included.
Cycling and Social Activities include:
• Leisure Ride 25 miles on Sustrans trail
• Club ride over the famed Beachy Head (bus alternative!)
• Audax ride 110km (70 miles) or 70km (44 miles)
• 23 mile 2-up TT (East Sussex Cycling Association)
• Social Events
• Annual Dinner and Prize presentation
• and much more.
Book your accommodation at the Cumberland NOW.
The best rooms go to early bookers.
The Cumberland Hotel, Grand Parade, Eastbourne BN21 3YT
Tel: 01323 730342
Price per person per night £48.00 (includes breakfast and complimentary afternoon tea)
No single room supplement.
Children sharing family room: 0-3yrs free, over 3yrs £12 each per night.
If you are flying into Gatwick (direct train every 30 minutes to Eastbourne), or otherwise need a bike for the Meet, Bob can provide road racing bikes, for adults and young persons, from his local Go-Ride club.
Bob Harber on 01903 879598 or 07979 836259.
Email: bikerider@phonecoop.coop
Grant joins up
Grant Craven
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
Grant, 45, is married to Kim with 3 kids Ben (18), Elliot (15) and Lara (10). He has always enjoyed cycling but has come a long way since his early Chopper days.
Grant says "I've been cycling to work since 1998, always on a MTB and since giving up playing football with Spartans (as well as attending my elder sons rugby games at Currie) I have been looking at getting out more on the bike especially on the road as well as some hillwalking."
"It took until last spring to add a new road bike alongside my MTB in the form of a Specialised Tricross thinking it would serve all purposes of commuting, leisure and cycle events."
"I now have a third bike, a Boardman Comp road bike which I won in the ITV TDF competition! This was the impetus to get me to join the Kirknewton roadies section of WLC and have been enjoying every minute."
"Previous years I've done the Edinburgh to St Andrews trip (since 2005) and our own charity cycle along the canal from Anniesland to Ratho (http://www.pancanal.co.uk/), and last year did the Pedal for Scotland."
"This year, on top of those events I've also entered Bealach Beag and Etape Caledonia in May. I'll need to up my fitness and lose some weight, which, based on previous outings, will be made more enjoyable with the company and camaraderie of fellow WLC members."
New member!
John-Michael Howison
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
Thirty one year old ex rugby player John-Michael (JM) Howison joined up last year
Originally a MTBer through his teens and twenties, he has made the transition to road cycling over the last few years following a number of knee surgeries due to a persistent rugby injury.
John says "My rugby CV includes playing for the Edinburgh Academicals 1st XV, Edinburgh U19s and U21s at Centre or Wing. I have fully embraced road cycling and my only regret is not making the move from MTBing earlier. My current bike is a Trek Madone 5.2. My weekly training consists of 2 weights sessions, and either 1 turbo session and 2 road cycles, or 2 turbo sessions and 1 road cycle."
"My wife and I have recently moved from Edinburgh to West Lothian and are expecting our first child in April. The challenges of a new baby, work and training could conspire against me, although the current plan for 2010 is to compete in the full 10mile TT series, along with a few sportives (starting with the Caledonian Etape) and longer TTs, when I get the chance."
Welcome to the Clarion JM
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Club runs and Socials
Twelve people braved the freezing night to have a great time in the Black Bull. There was a lot of discussion about events in 2010, with many planning ways to hook up. The upcoming RadTour was a popular topic of conversation, as was the latest kit order and the benefits of Borax for cleaning jerseys was hotly debated!
See the Calendar for the next Social in Linlithgow on 1st February.
Next Social in Linlithgow
8.30pm The Four Marys on Linlithgow Hight Street
Starting Monday 1st February and repeated the first Monday of the month
On Sunday only Allan managed to make it to the Cross for 9.00am. Allan has consistently been getting out on a Sunday, but has had to set off from Linlithgow on his own on more than one occasion. He wonders whether a later start time might encourage people to come out on their bikes, and says "Changing the time we meet to to 9.30 or 10.00am might be more popular" If you have any views please email Andy Weaving on: macclarkson[AT]aol.com?
There would have been one more at the cross but Neil Hayes came off on black ice as he rode to the start, he limped home with a scuffed bike but intact body.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
2010 Rad Tour: The Seven Castles of West Lothian
Heading south first via Bathgate, taking in Cairns Castle, on (we think...) the highest stretch of road in West Lothian, the route will then swing north featuring such Forth Valley favourites as Duntarvie & Ochiltree with a final swooping descent back to the start point.
The Rad Tour is open to all club members and entries will be accepted on the day. Further details will follow but for now, get the date in your diary and some miles in those legs.
Friday, 15 January 2010
Clarion Bike Jumble

The club will hold a bike jumble on Sunday 28 February, from 10am to 2pm at Chalmers Hall, Linlithgow Bridge, Linlithgow.
Whether you'd like to sell those rusty old pedals that have been sitting in your garage for ages or your brand-new carbon TT bike. Just bring it along and see whether you can find a buyer for it.
Because it is the first ever bike jumble, we don't charge for entry or stalls this time. All we ask for is a donation toward the cost of the hall hire and a few pennies for the club kitty. Refreshments will be available.
Open to all except commercial sellers. It is recommended you book a space beforehand, for more details email the organiser Tobias Bauer on bauert[AT]tiscali.co.uk
Hello West Lothian Clarion
As requested by Matt, here's a brief intro from your newest member:
I've been cycling for a few years now, but started putting in a few more miles after signing up for my first sportive in 2008 (Southern Uplands Sportive, or Radar Ride as it is now). I did three sportives in 2008 and five in 2009 (I've now done the Radar Ride and Ullapool Mor a couple of times each, plus a few others).
The nearest thing I’ve done to group riding in the past is when I’ve hooked up with a few people during sportives, so when I first join you on club runs, you’ll need to bear with me on this side of things.
I have one 'good' bike and two winter/bad weather bikes - the former being a Focus Izalco 2007 and the latter comprising an Edinburgh Bicycles/Revolution 'Country Explorer' (big heavy tourer - not fast, but comes in to it's own during windy weather) and a beaten up old Pinarello Prince I bought second hand a few years ago. For any of the club runs I come on in the next few weeks, it'll most likely be the Pinarello I use.
For the past couple of years, I've generally managed between five and eight hours a week on the bike, sometimes less, sometimes more. As with most folks, it just depends on all the other stuff going on in my life (e.g. - inconvenient things like work and family and important things like drinking beer).
I'm hoping to do a few more sportives this year (I've already signed up for the 'Cumbrian Killer' and 'Bealach Mor'). I'll just see what happens apart from that.
Look forward to putting some miles in with you all soon.
21st Tour of East Lothian Audax
The event organiser, Andy Laing, from Musselburgh RC emailed to let us know about their season opener Audax
"We have had difficulties updating our website with the latest entry form but further route details, etc are available at
Please note that, due to excess numbers previously turning up on the day, NO entries will be taken on the day.
I may consider late entries received by 10 February but no guarantees!
Thanking you in anticipation"
He has sent me an entry form as a word document, let me know if you need it and I'll send it on to anyone interested.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Club Socials
Membership reminder

Attendance at the AGM is open to all paid-up 2010 members. Membership renewals and new applications will be accepted up until half an hour before the start of the AGM but earlier renewal would be preferable.
Order club kit
Fill out the order form and email it or post it with cash or cheque for the relevant amount.
Club cap recall
Bring your ill fitting caps to the AGM. Endura have agreed to refund the cost of those caps that are returned to them.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Watch out!
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Spin class club run
Desperate to go on a club run, Clarionistas from all over the county took part in spin classes at the weekend. Nine members descended on Linlithgow Leisure Centre on Saturday, Malcolm took part in the EICA Ratho spin class and a few members from the East Calder group attended the Craigswood Sports Centre in Livingston.
At Linlithgow, Bill, Stevie, Denis, Steve, Neil, Jamie, Craig, Ewan and Alan came out of the class with faces of varying shades of pink. They all seemed to benefit from the work out and there was a good bit of banter afterwards over a coffee in the cafe.
If you haven't been to a class before, some bikes can take spd shoes on one side of the pedals. It gets very warm in the class so wear your cycling gear, and take a towel and drink in with you. The Linlithgow class requires all participants to register on their system for free, before the start, so arrive with plenty of time to spare.
Click for more information
EICA Ratho
Craigswood Sports Centre
Linlithgow Leisure Centre
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Pass the salt
Read more
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Next club run is a spin class!
When? Saturday 9th
What time? 8.40am for a 9am start
Where: Linithgow leisure centre
• You don't need an induction to go spinning
• There are 36 newly refurbished bikes
• The classes do get quite busy but you cannot prebook - first come first served
• You DON'T have to be a member of the sports centre or Excite you WILL have to register on their system, so you'll need to go along 5 or 10 minutes earlier to have enough time to do that, or you could go along before Saturday to register.
• Wear your clarion summer kit, it'll be your only chance for a while.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Glasgow Clarion circa 1912
Stumbled upon this historic photo of Glasgow Clarion in 1912. Jim Harris will correct me if I'm wrong but I think the Glasgow section eventually became the West of Scotland Clarion.