Monday, 30 November 2009
Get yourself seen!
I wouldn't go as far as "taking a brush to your bike" as suggested in this 70s classic but its pretty gloomy at the start of our club runs, so attach a couple of LEDs and wear bright clothing, like our club jersey, to "get yourself seen".
East Calder Saturday ride report
Neil Greer send in this report about the East Calder Saturday run:
"Three of us (myself, Neil Lovett and Grant Craven) braved the wintery conditions on Saturday and , after all having had some skittish moments en oute to the East Calder rendez vous, decided, initially, on a low level type route. We therefore headed out to West Calder via the A 71 then turned North towards Blackburn/Bathgate.
"Conditions were very foggy - down to just 50 metres in places and road surfaces "challenging"....After climbing up the big hill in Bathgate we decided - maybe foolishly on reflection! - to head up to the Knock as there seemed to be the faint prospect on "the sunlit uplands"...No - not at all - just even more challenging surfaces and the sound of breaking ice at one stage! We then went past the KWM to Linlithgow for a welcome cake stop at Cafe Rondo.
"Replenished, we headed via Threemiletown to Kirkliston where we think we may have passed the other Sat. social ride coming in the other direction at about 11 am (7 or 8 riders?). After dealing with a broken spoke (me!) we then went on to Newbridge and Ratho before returning to East Calder. Overall 38 miles at c. 14 mph - given the conditions, we were pretty happy with that."
"Fingers crossed for next week... "
All ride details on the website:
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Linlithgow Saturday Run 28th November
A group of 11 set off with the intention of splitting up into the 'Active' and 'Social' groups after a couple of miles. We had a close shave when a car tried to overtake the group as lorry came in the opposite direction. It reinforced the need to be aware of the dangers on the road when cars are driven by irresponsible people. After this incident we stopped and checked whether everyone was happy to continue in the misty conditions.
After this the group split and headed off to South Queesferry via Blackness, Philipstoune, Kirkliston and back through Winchborough and West Binney to Linlithgow
The conditions were cold but the county looked pretty with rays of sun disolving the mist as the morning continued. In the Active group, Lesley and Neil and new guy Simon rode strongly through out the ride. Congratulations to Alan who became a father for the second time when his daughter was born two weeks ago.
Tobias led the social group and said "The social run went very well indeed and I am pleased to see that more and more women are joining us on regular club runs. After the two groups split, we headed through Philpstoun and down to and past Hopetoun House to the Queen's Ferry. We then had a democratic vote on whether to carry on to Dalmeny or loop back via Dundas Mains and Duntarvie. We decided to do the latter and arrived back in Lithgae with frozen feet around half eleven. A cold but nice ride."
In the group photo: From Left: Simon, Melwin, Neil, Tobias, Crawford, Lesley, Alan, Debbie, Eve.. not pictured Steve
Champions Night
The Black Bitch pub was packed with Clarionistas on Friday celebrating the best of cycling and fellowship in 2009. The evening began with a welcome from club President, Tobias Bauer who thanked everyone who had helped out and volunteered through out the year. Special mentions of thanks were made to:
Jimmy Harris who has donated a number of trophies from the West of Scotland Clarion and his advice and time has been invaluable in training up time keepers for the TT series.
Grant's work on last February's RadTour and the spectacular spread of food at the refuelling stop.
Out going president, Bill Young's, commitment to the club, being a stalwart of the Saturday runs, organising the club and open hill climbs, last winter's 'Hangar of anger' and coordinating two kit orders.
Graham for setting up the TT series and managing it effectively through out the year, even after the arrival of little Alexander.
Neil Greer for setting up and championing the East Calder Saturday run
The evening continued with West Lothian's ONLY cycling quiz with our very own quiz master, Matt Muir, setting 30 very challenging questions. The competition was narrowly won by the team of Sadiq, Neil and Graham. They each received a cycling biography and a book about the history of the Clarion.
After a bite the awards ceremony began, with the following members presented with trophies, medals or certificates:
Men's TT champion: Ross Dewar
Women's TT champion: Julie Domiguez
Junior TT champion: Blair Campbell
Best All Rounder Champion: Bob Simpson
Tour of the Trossachs Trophy: Matthew Ball
Women's Hill climb champion: Denise Schofield
Men's Hill Climb champion: Graham Gillooly
Freewheel Champion: Tom Beattie
Sea to Sky record breakers: Matthew Ball, Steve McCaw, Craig Marshall
Ride of the year: Night Time Ride to Berwick upon Tweed
10, 25, 50 Club TT records: Matthew Ball
A big thank you goes to everybody who donated prizes for the raffle and bought tickets. It would be an understatement to say that sadiq was happy with the prizes he won, our first President and honorary member did very well for himself, celebrating each lucky draw as if scoring a winning cup final goal!
Many thanks to everyone who came along and enjoyed the evening,especially Matt Muir for planning the Quiz and Tobias for sorting out the trophy engraving and cleaning but a very special thank you goes to Bob Simpson who organised the night and then ran errands to make sure we had everything we needed.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Introducing another new Clarionista
Welcome to Yorkshire man, Steve Henley (celebrating the big four-O in December) who moved to Scotland 15 years ago and now lives in Bellsquarry, Livington with his wife, Sarah, and two children, Nathan (7) and Milly (4).
Steve says "I have always enjoyed cycling however family life meant that time was limited and I found that my fitness levels were dropping. In 2008 I decided to enter Pedal for Scotland, raise some money for charity and invest in a new bike. I completed the ride and raised over £800 for Myeloma UK cancer charity. After watching me complete the ride my son, Nathan, wanted to complete the 2009 ride with me. As he was not allowed to ride by himself I said he could ride on the tag-along behind me if we were able to raise over £1,000. I completed an Edinburgh to St Andrews ride in June as a warm up beforehand. We raised £1,300 and my son cycled the full 50 miles behind me. He was in a better condition than I was at the end!"
"I had been thinking about buying a road bike for a while and decided to purchase one of the Chris Boardman bikes for my 40th. Given the investment I thought I should join a club to ensure that I got the most benefit from it. Having always cycled on my own I hope that this will help me to improve my fitness levels, as well as meeting fellow cyclists. I hope to get out on a Saturday morning as often as possible during the winter, family commitments permitting. At this moment I tend to prefer the downhill sections of the ride and struggle on the climbs, hopefully this will change the more that I cycle in a group. In 2010 I hope to raise some more money for charity by cycling again with my son in Pedal for Scotland and also by completing a long distance (100 mile) ride."
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Last weekend's Saturday ride report
Eleven riders ventured out on to the West Lothian lanes on Saturday. Eve and Andy made up the 'Social' group and Matt, Steve-B, Angus, Darren, Andy-H, Jamie, Neil, Mike, Craig (for a wee while) filled out the ranks of the 'Active' group.
Social Ride
Andy R. says "Had a great ride with Evie out of Lithgie towards Blackness.. up past the Binns, along the A-904 to Abercorn. Onto the muddiest back roads in the district ...through Hopetoun estate (loads of deer), did a bit of cyclocross and then out to Queensferry for tea and cake."
"We retraced the route to the old Abercorn primary then crossed the A-904 and continued under the motorway and on up to the Kirkliston road where we were chased by a bus and crossed the 10 TT finish line at fastest yet. It was an easy cycle into linlithgow after that."
"It was a 25 mile route at 13 mph including the off road, mud gates etc and was great with plenty of chat and both of us on our new bikes..."
Active Ride
The Active group rode out to Torphicen via Lanark Road then on to Bathgate, Blackridge, Caldercruix Road, Limerigg and Avonbridge where the group split with some heading back via Standburn, while the rest carried on to Torphicen and the Korean War Memorial before returning to Linlithgow.
Angus says "There was North East tailwind going out - making the pace 'brisk' and It got 'brisker' coming back over the hills!
Super-fit fell runner, Andy Hemingway rode consistently and had energy to spare at the end when riding up to the Korean War memorial, he and Darren even went on for a few extra miles.
Mike blasted past Matt and Steve to win the sprint at Avonbridge by a country mile, after Andy H. politely led everybody out for about 2 miles beforehand
One of the club runs should suit you, come out and try the All New Saturday Rides.
All the details on the website:
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
New Member!
Debbie Pollard
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
A big welcome to Debbie Pollard who joined up this month. We met Debbie for the first time on a Sunday run last year when she came along to the Forth Bridge as a taster.
This Winter she has been out on the Saturday social runs riding her fab new Specialized
Debbie says: I've been cycling most of my life, for fun and fitness, also for some short journeys instead of using the car. At the moment I cycle about 50-60 miles per week, with 25 miles being a long run, and over the past couple of years have progressed from mainly using cycle paths to doing most of my cycling on the road."
I have recently bought a Specialized Vita, which is basically a road bike with flat handles. I am married with two children, a 9-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy. I have a special "piggy-back" trailer for my son, who has severe autism, which I tow with my Raleigh Metro on short family bike rides."
"I joined the club to meet other people who are into cycling and to improve my fitness - my aim is to get out on club rides as often as possible so that I can enjoy the company while cycling further and faster than before."
Saturday, 21 November 2009
New Member!
Ian Robertson
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
Welcome to Ian Robertson who joined recently. Ian has cycled pretty seriously for the last 15 years or so with the balance moving from an initial focus on MTB to the point now where he is almost fully road orientated.
Ian says "I try not to let the winter weather put me off too much albeit ride lengths are inevitably shorter. Typical mild weatrher rides are 70 - 100km two/three times a week whilst cold weather riding tends to be 40 - 60km once or twice a week."
"I take at least one overseas trip per year to attempt to bag as many of the iconic continental climbs as possible with Ventoux being my primary challenge for 2010.
"My pace is modest - 25/27kph on a typical lumpy run, and a climb rate opf c700metres vertical per hour. So you can imagine that Europe's highest pass, Col de la Bonette, at 2,802m required a lengthy stretch in the saddle!"
"Equipment wise I have, like most cycling fanatics, accumulated an ever expanding garage full of gear. My dry road bike is a Specialized Roubaix/DuraAce/Mavic R-Sys combination that is both light and comfortable."
"Winter riding is done on a Lemond Alpe Duez/105/Mavic Aksium combination. For travelling I have an Airnimal Chameleon folder and an old, but beautiful, Flying Scot 653. Traditionalists would despair however that I have kitted out the latter with DuraAce and Easton EA70 wheels to ensure the going up and coming down off mountains is all the more enjoyable. My rare foray on MTB is done on my Cannondale F700SL/XTR/Mavic Crossrides."
"I very much look forward to joining the Club's runs and activities."
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Committee Meeting Minutes
Should we have a Sunday run?
The Sunday run doesn't appear to be popular with members but I'm constantly getting requests from prospective members who want to take part in the ride. So much so that 5 non members turned up last Sunday with no-one from the club participating.
We promote the ride on the website but if none or few members attend then is it worth doing so? Should the format be changed? Or is there simply not the demand for a regular Sunday run?
I need to be able to advise prospective members whether or not it is worth making the effort to turn up on a Sunday.
Let me know if you want the club to promote the ride or have any constructive views on how it can be improved or even better, why not go along for a lovely 'Social' ride.
Raffle prizes
We'll be having a raffle at the social and are asking members to donate prizes, like chocolates, booze or read cycling books.
Please bring your donations along on the night!
2nd group riding skills session
Learn to cycle in a group confidently and pick up essential skills for racing and sportive riding at our second group riding skills session. The session will be about 1 hour and will cover a few basic drills to improve your technique.
Date Sunday 13th December
Time 3pm
Location Mill Road Industriual Estate, Linlithgow Bridge.
Bring cycling shoes and trainers, warm clothing
Don't use your best wheels or lovely carbon fibre racer!
Minimum of 6 riders for the session to take place
Please email me at secretary[AT] if you want to take part
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Come along to the Winter social and prize giving

When? Friday November 27th
Time? 8.00pm
Where? Upstairs at the Black Bitch in Linlithgow
There will be prizes presentations for:
Men's TT champion: Ross Dewar
Women's TT champion: Julie Domiguez
Junior TT champion: Blair Campbell
Best All Rounder Champion: Bob Simpson
Tour of the Trossachs Trophy: Matthew Ball
Women's Hill climb champion: Denise Schofield
Men's Hill Climb champion: Graham Gillooly
Freewheel Champion: Tom Beattie
New member!
Darren says "I hadn't raced before 2009 but have completed a few sportives this year including the Cairngorm and Bealach events. I did some duathlons, team triathlons and even managed to tackle the mighty Tourmalet."
"For me, 2009 was about training to compete in events, I really enjoyed it and now I know what I have to do for 2010."
"I've joined the Clarion because I'm fed up riding alone into a head wind, flicking my elbow and then no one comes to the front! I found out about the club by seeing the club jersey at a few events, especially the guy with all his gears sealed in his hub (Malcolm!)."
"I have two bikes, a Kona Kapu which is my favourite and a Cube agree, boxed standard bikes but appropriate for what I do."
"In 2010 I hope to enter as many UK Sportives as possible and ride one abroad too, I also want to complete a full triathlon and continue with other adventure race commitments. I'm going to France to watch the Tour too and plan to ride up the Ventoux while I'm there"
SCU Volunteer & Coaching Conference
A variety of courses will be offered, ranging from officials training and coaching development sessions to sports equity and child protection workshops. It will be a great opportunity to extend your knowledge, share your thoughts with others, get advice from experts and learn new skills.
The following courses are already confirmed:
• Saturday 16th January (full day): Assistant MTB XC Commissaires Course* (new)
•Sunday 17th January (full day): Assistant Road Commissaires Course*
•Sunday 17th January (full day): Coaching Development workshop
Keep an eye on the SC website for updates on courses and the location of the conference.
It would be great asset to the club if a member attended the assistant Assistant Road Commissaires Course
to register your interest, please contact me at secretary[AT]
*Participant must hold valid British Cycling Membership
Lets make the women's club run a regular event
Despite the bad weather forecast our first ever women's club run had a turnout of three riders. We left the leisure centre just after nine o'clock and took the slow route to Blackness Castle via Phillipstone and passing the Binns. After a rainy chat outside the Castle we made our way back to Linlithgow along quiet country lanes. Arriving in the High Street, after a total of about 12 miles, we decided to stop for a cuppa.
The general outcome was: this should become a regular!
Kerstin is planning another ride next month, email her if you are interested in going along: kbonau[AT]
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Saturday 14th ride report
Good run out today 5 brave souls ventured out into the showers and wind. Myself, Crawford, Lewie, Stevie from Livingston and Neil on his Holdsworth. Headed over to Torphican, Bathgate, back roads to Armadale, Blackridge, Harthill, and over the hill to Fauldhouse. From there went minor roads to Blackburn via Stoneyburn area and home. Weather wasn't as bad as it seemed a few showers and gusts and the odd flood across the road which was quite refreshing. Good to see riders coming out regardless of the weather.
All the rides details on our website:
Thursday, 12 November 2009
This weekend's ALL NEW Saturday rides
Our first Women's ride starts from the Linlithgow Leisure Centre at 9.00am on Saturday. Kerstin will lead the social group over a 15 mile circuit at about 12mph. If the ride proves popular it will become a regular feature on the Clarion rides calander, so come along and give it your support. For more details contact Kerstin on: kbonau[AT]
Linlithgow 'Social' and 'Active' groups
Also Leaving the Linlithgow Leisure Centre at 9.00am are the two regular 'Social' and 'Active' groups following a slightly longer 40 mile route: riding up to Torphichen, Bathgate, Blackridge, Forth, and back to Linlithgow via Bathgate and Torphichen.
More details form Andy Weaving on: macclarkson[AT]
East Calder 'Social' ride
For this Saturday's run out of East Calder (Meet East Calder Leisure Centre at 8.30am) Calum MacArthur and Neil Lovett have worked up a 40 miler that will travel anti-clockwise taking in Ratho/Kirkliston/Sth Queensferry/Hopetoun House/Linlithgow/Little Ochiltree/Broxburn/East Calder.
More details from Neil Greer on: ngreer[AT]
For the last 2 week-ends we have managed up to 18 riders on the Linlithgow runs and 7 or 8 riders on the East Calder run. Forecast looks good, so why not come along and join us, have a blether and a lovely morning out on West Lothian's country lanes.
All the the ride details on our website:
All you need to know about preparing for a club run:
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Introducing another new Clarionista
Keir Bradie
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
Welcome to Keir Bradie, who has been riding the East Calder Saturday rides and joined up this week. The 42 year old ex-rugby front row forward now rides to keep fit, socialise and lose weight and is married with one exceptionally energetic 7 year old boy called Angus.
He coaches rugby at Currie Rugby Club, working with the younger kids and teenagers there.
Keir says "I've been cycling now for just about two years encouraged onto the road bike by the guys in Kirknewton Village where I live. Since I retired from rugby I have been struggling over the years to find an active hobby to replace rugby that I enjoy. Cycling is perfect for me, quality exercise without stud marks down your back the morning after!
"I would like to use this opportunity to thank now fellow members Neil, Rob and DD for relentless encouragement when I started, you were right guys, and all these month later I am indeed hooked."
"Moved up to a Van Nicholas Euro this year from my 'entry level' Allez. Love the bike and it suits my style of riding. Never felt that I possessed the bodily aerodynamics for a carbon flyer but there is always time. The 'Van' is now a firm friend and the titanium frame gives a big guy like me a load of confidence."
"My aims are to continue to improve, 12 months ago I would have laughed at anyone suggesting I ride 30 miles non-stop, now doing twice that quite comfortably. Very much enjoy the social side of the rides out of Kirknewton and delighted to have formalised as a Social ride under the Clarion banner, this move has already brought us some new faces, long may it continue. (Saturday morning’s East Calder Sport Centre- 8:30am)"
"I still have not ridden an event, had to call out of the Et-'tack' Caledonia 2009 last minute this year as my retina detached and needed a quick bit of eye-surgery. Have my good eye fixed firmly on doing it in 2010."
"I look forward to meeting more of you as time goes on, my thanks for the welcome to the club."
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Calendar of events
Take a look at:
New Members
Michelle Gregory joined up this week after coming along on the Saturday run. You'll recognise New Zealand born Michelle as the winner of the women's open hill climb in October. That was the first race for this prolific sportive rider who rode for the Ribble Valley CC in Lancashire before moving north of the border
Also joining this week in Lynda who stays in Stirling. She bought a road bike about a year ago and didn't really use it until recently. After cycling 20-30 mile rides on her tod she has upped her milage on longer rides with her brother, who has introduced her to he joys of riding up hill, they even completed a Dunning Glen 60-miler in the Autumn.
Lynda owns a GT series 5 but intends to buy a new bike at the start of next year, She says "hopefully one that goes a bit faster! My aim is to keep building the miles and try some speed training. I also want to do the Trossachs Ton in June."
Monday, 9 November 2009
New Member
79 year old Alex Keys has ridden for the Clarion all his life and joins us from the West of Scotland section. He says he'd like to help out at club events and I'm sure we'll benefit from his considerable experience.
Alex was a keen time trailer before he hung up the wheels of his Higgins bike, which had tapered tubes to the bottom bracket. During his racing career he finished the Tour of the Trossachs in 1 hour 12 minutes, and knocked out a 1 hour 6 minutes for a 25 TT.
Welcome to the club Alex!
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Saturday 7th Ride reports
All 14 riders who met at the Linlithgow Sport Centre on Saturday chose the 'social' group and rode the classic route to Slammanan via Loan, Standburn, Avon Bridge and Back via Longriggend, Limerigg, Westfield, Torphichen past the Korean War memorial and then the fast descent down Preston Road to Linlithgow. The distance was about 35 miles with an average of about 13mph over a tougher route than last week's ride to the Dalmeny Estate.
The group was made up of Lesley, Matt, Graham, Dave, Andy, Tobias, Donald, Melwin, Denise, Steven (in yet another cracking retro jersey!) and Neil with Michelle (our open hill climb winner) Stewart and John (from Pedal Power) out for the first time. We enjoyed the lovely autumnal weather and rode together as group pretty consistently, stopping to regroup for mechanicals and for riders to catch up. Steve and Bill briefly swelled the group to 16 at Avon Bridge and we spotted a few other roadies out, taking in the sunshine.
Melwin said "Today’s ride was great, I really enjoyed it, but got a bit tired near the end". Michelle said "Thanks for the ride on Saturday. It was a great route and a nice social pace. It was especially good to be able to join a local club ride, rather than lug the bike on the train or car to get to a club."
Keir Sends in this report about Saturday's East calder Club run:
Six riders congregated at 8:30 at the East Calder Sports Centre, we were all surprised to see Neil there in his car to see us off, even in ill health! There were some jokes about whether he was going to follow the peleton with a boot full of spare wheels, handing out gels etc. but alas no!
The six became seven at Murieston where we picked up Calum. We tracked the back lanes towards Carnwarth on the newly resurfaced roads. The weather was superb as the cold receded, turning into a fantastic sunny, even warm day.
The group buzzed along and after Woolfords we crossed the A70 ahead of Carnwarth and rode down to Newbigging on some wonderful back roads, moving in a 'Biggarly' direction.
We turned back towards Carnwarth on the B7016 and arrived in town on the 'Rue Du Apple Pie', navigating directly to our favourite cake stop at exactly 30 miles gone.
In a flurry of caramel slices, yum-yums, latte's and hot chocolates we were gone, taking the direct route back towards Kirknewton on the Lang Wang. We dropped three of our party as they veered off at the Harburn turn, the rest of us carrying on until the Kirknewton Airfield, to complete the circuit.
50 miles, average 14mph, total climbing 870m and a time of three and a half hours PLUS cake stop. Just a superb day out for the East Calder bunch. We look forward to Neil's full recovery for next week.
All the ride details can be found on the website
Group test
The club promoted it's first group skills workshop on Sunday. Four riders participated, Tobias, Kerstin, Angus and Matt Muir, who rode up from Edinburgh. The hour long session was designed to boost riders' confidence and technique when riding in groups, sportives and road races.
The riders followed simple drills to help them get used to riding closely and get a better understanding of the dynamics of a group.
As a way of loosening up, we began with a 'follow the leader' and rode around Linlithgow Bridge's Mill Road Industrial Estate in close formation. During the next stage the riders cycled more closely next to each other in pairs and rested a hand on their partners shoulders, followed by touching elbows and leaning in on each other while on the move. These routines are a great way to show that close contact can be managed and in some instances elbows can be used to protect your 'space' and prevent anything catastrophic happening.
Next up, we passed a bidon up and down the line which got us more comfortable riding closely together and showed that by riding consistently a group can move along in close formation. Following on we practised singling out and front changeovers before finishing off with our most demanding challenge: touching the wheel of the rider in front.
This drill sums up the purpose of the workshop: to enable us to overcome nervousness and deal with potentially hazardous situations. We paired up and road around a car park forcing ourselves to touch the wheel in front, to find out what it felt like and how to deal with it.
Ultimately all the drills were devised to show that in a group, riders have to be consistent, communicate and look after themselves and others.
Matt Muir. said "The session went well and I think all agreed that it had been useful and would be very good for other club members if they are at all nervous about group riding. Even as an experienced rider I feel a bit more practice at riding extremely close (i.e. touching elbows) to other riders was still useful."
If there is enough interest the club will run the workshop again in a month.
Friday, 6 November 2009
New T-shirt order
I'm going to order more T-shirts. If you want one, let me know by Wednesday 11th November via email, including the size you want to order.
T shirts will be around £11
email: secretary[AT]
'Fraid the design isn't new, if you want to get an original go here
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Thanks Bill, thanks Tobias
Bill has had to step down as club President because of a promotion which brings extra work and travel commitments.
On behalf of the club I'd like to say a massive 'thankyou' to Bill for putting in so much work this year. Not only has he been a club run stalwart but he has organised key events, including our first Open event, coordinated the kit orders, and hosted last year's turbo sessions.
While Bill has been President he has seen the club grow rapidly and he has played a major part in shaping what the club is today.
The club's Constitution allows the committee to co-opt appointments to vacant posts. Bill proposed that Tobias take over as President and the committee was pleased to support this proposal unanimously. Tobias will continue to carry out his existing responsibilities as the club's race secretary. There will be the usual election of all club officers at the club AGM in January 2010.
Congratulations Tobias!
Saturday rides details
Neil - and all his family - have got some sort of flu bug, and won't be riding so Keir will be co-ordinating - thanks Keir. However, feel free to contact Neil if you have any questions ngreer[AT]
The 'Social' and 'Active' rides leave the Linlithgow Leisure Centre at 9.00am and will follow the same 'classic' route to Slamannan and back
See map for details:
Vote for ride of the year 2009
The winner will be announced at the Christmas Social and annual prize giving
2. Silver for Julie Dominguez
3. Mandy and Andy Weaving ride the Vatterdun on a tandem
4. Simon Taylor rides the RAAM
5. Matthew Ball and Jez Hastings ride to the Manchester Easter Meet on fixed
6. Craig Marshal smashes his PB for the Northern Rock Sportive
7. Malcolm Wake, Mark, Jim MacDonald, Peter Buchan ride the Baeg in atrocious conditions
Monday, 2 November 2009
Winter Duathlon Series
This year the series will run from December to February. For more info see the ERC news page
New Saturday ride format a success
Over a third of our members took part in a club run on Saturday. 11 riders made up the 'Active' group which set off first from the Linlithgow Leisure Centre, followed by 8 more in the 'Social' group. At East Calder Neil Greer lead another 8 riders on a 'Social' ride around the two bridges. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the rides.
Graham on the Linlithgow 'Social' ride said:
"I was on the Social ride and it seemed to go really well. The weather helped and the group stayed together well I thought, always regrouping quickly if it did split for any reason. The route was fairly low-lying, out to Dalmeny House and back via Hopetoun, about 30 odd miles, and the general feel was relaxed and very, ummmmm, Social, with a few stops to chew the fat and an average, on the move, that stayed within the advertised 13-15mph.
Personally, I really enjoyed the ride and hope to make it back for more next week. Thanks to all in the group and Andy W for taking the lead. "
Sadiq on the 'Active' ride:
"Glad things went well with the social group, the active group certainly had a good workout, heading out to Dalmeny and back before venturing into the Alps via Bridgend for a wee slugfest. It was great to chat to a few people I hadn't really spoken to before. It looks like it was a great success. Hopefully we will continue to get solid numbers for both rides as the weather worsens. We saw a lot of people are out on their bikes on the stretch between linlithgow and Dalmeny on a nice saturday morning like that and we are always likely to attract new people to our club"
Neil on the East Calder 'Social' ride
we had 8 riders out for the inaugural run from East Calder on Sat. Set off west via the back roads through Livingston/Bathgate to Grangemouth/Skinflats, across the new Kincardine bridge then headed to Culross for the compulsory cake stop - as usual it didn't disappoint. With a tailwind we then made good progess along to Rosyth with the chain-gang bowling along comfortably at 25 mph. We then returned via Kirkliston/Newbridge and the back lanes to East Calder where one rider double punctured - 3 miles from home...Glorious sunshine for most of the route - felt like Spring! Overall about 60 miles in 4 hours or so..
Thanks to everyone who took part - truly memorable.
West Lothian toothpaste
Thoroughly enjoyed the 'Active;' ride on Saturday but managed to get a mouthful of 'West Lothian toothpaste' in the process.
West Lothian toothpaste is a particularly yucky mixture of water, muck and manure sprayed up off the road from the bike in front. The minor roads we tend to ride along can be covered in the stuff and on a dirty ride without mudguards, the group gets plastered in the sticky brown gloop.
So, In Winter, if you are coming on a Clarion club run please fit mudguards. They will protect your own kit and that of the grateful riders behind you.
If you've got a fancy carbon bike your Friendly LBS will sort you out with a descent pair of clip on mudguards.