Women's group
Our first Women's ride starts from the Linlithgow Leisure Centre at 9.00am on Saturday. Kerstin will lead the social group over a 15 mile circuit at about 12mph. If the ride proves popular it will become a regular feature on the Clarion rides calander, so come along and give it your support. For more details contact Kerstin on: kbonau[AT]mail.com
Linlithgow 'Social' and 'Active' groups
Also Leaving the Linlithgow Leisure Centre at 9.00am are the two regular 'Social' and 'Active' groups following a slightly longer 40 mile route: riding up to Torphichen, Bathgate, Blackridge, Forth, and back to Linlithgow via Bathgate and Torphichen.
More details form Andy Weaving on: macclarkson[AT]aol.com
East Calder 'Social' ride
For this Saturday's run out of East Calder (Meet East Calder Leisure Centre at 8.30am) Calum MacArthur and Neil Lovett have worked up a 40 miler that will travel anti-clockwise taking in Ratho/Kirkliston/Sth Queensferry/Hopetoun House/Linlithgow/Little Ochiltree/Broxburn/East Calder.
More details from Neil Greer on: ngreer[AT]qedms.com
For the last 2 week-ends we have managed up to 18 riders on the Linlithgow runs and 7 or 8 riders on the East Calder run. Forecast looks good, so why not come along and join us, have a blether and a lovely morning out on West Lothian's country lanes.
All the the ride details on our website: www.westlothianclarion.co.uk/clubruns.html
All you need to know about preparing for a club run: www.westlothianclarion.co.uk/preparation.html
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