If you don't fancy slogging up to the Korean War Memorial for an 8.00am start on a Saturday, Allan Black meets up with Jim and a few others at the Bottom of Bo'ness road opposite to the 4-in-1 takeaway in Linlithgow every Saturday at 9.00 for a less frenetic ride around the lanes. See start map here
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Alternative Saturday ride
If you don't fancy slogging up to the Korean War Memorial for an 8.00am start on a Saturday, Allan Black meets up with Jim and a few others at the Bottom of Bo'ness road opposite to the 4-in-1 takeaway in Linlithgow every Saturday at 9.00 for a less frenetic ride around the lanes. See start map here
Monday, 30 March 2009
New rides poster
Pick up your membership cards

I've got 13 uncollected Clarion membership cards. If you are a member and don't have a card, let me know so I can organise delivery.
Working in the chain gang
This Tuesday, 31st March, sees the first of our summer training sessions. Up until Easter the start will be at 6.30. From Tuesday 14th April the start time will shift back to 7.pm.
The group will meet outside the Blackness Inn, Blackness, ready to start promptly, so get there with plenty of time beforehand if you need to set up your bike.
The route is a quick 10 minute circuit, we'll try to ride 5 or 6 laps. The group will be travelling ant-clockwise so if you get there late, ride the route clockwise to meet up. There is a short cut through the middle if you get dropped mid ride.
Most of us are new to fast group riding like this, so we'll set off steadily for a couple of laps to get used to the technique, we can then decide if we should split into smaller APR style groups or not.
It will be getting dark by the time we finish so you must bring your lights.
Unlike other Clarion club rides the group will not wait if riders get dropped. This is a training session not a social ride, the pace will get progressively harder through the session.
Meeting place map
Route map
Chain gang tips here
An additional tip for our tight circuit is not to ride hard out of junctions so the group has a better chance of staying together.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Sunday run Report: 29th March
Well I must be a member now... Ive just been up through Slamannan. Only 3 out this morning . Myself Simon and new guy Neil from Boness. Neil found out about WLC when he met Matt and a couple of others at the Dalmeny audax.
The route will be of no surprise to most of you. From the Cross in Linlithgow out to Linlithgow Bridge up through Bridgend to Maddistone, up California road to California over to Sh'hill (a bit of local dialect there). From Sh'hill past the Three Kings and on up to Slamanan. There was then a loop up into more hills that brought us back into Slamannan . From the epicentre of the area we then took the Avonbridge road down through Stanburn and on to Linlithgow. I slipped away at the roundabout just south of Maddistone whilst the others sped off to Linlithgow and home.
Despite being off the back most of the ride I really enjoyed today. The guys waited for me at the top of the hills and did not dissapear too far in front the rest of the time making me push just that little bit more than was comfortable which can only make me faster (hopefully). One day I will repay the patience that has been shown to me by beating you all on a ride, one day, well maybe. Thanks again for the ride today guys and to Simon for the route..
It was something like 35 miles all in for me with an average speed of 15 ish mph.
Record turn out for Saturday Ride
15 riders got together for our first ride of the weekend. Bill, Stevie, Sadiq, Andy B, Peter, Matt and new guys Graham, Gavin, Donald and Dave headed off from the KWM to meet up with Claire, Grant, David McT, Angus and Kevin at the Linlithgow train station. We decided to split into two groups because so many riders turned up. The faster group headed off first while the remaining group rode an easier pace through Linlithgow Bridge, Whitecross, Madiston, Avon Bridge, Slamannan (of course) and Limerigg. Here we split, Grant, David McT and Claire headed off on their planned 100 mile ride to Carnwath. The remaining group headed back down to Avon Bridge where Andy B took the sprint after a great lead out from Matt
Read the ride comments here (scroll down the page)
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Saturday run Summer hours
Obree captivates audience
Grant went over to Glasgow yesterday to hear the great Graham Obree give a talk, he had a wonderful evening and sent in this report:
This was a brilliant evening in the company of one of our most under-rated sportsmen.
Graeme was an excellent speaker and there was a great deal of feedback from the audience. There was only 100 or so seats I reckon but that probably made it all the better - more personal.
The evening was a sell-out and there were people there without tickets so I managed to sell the three spares I had.
Graeme started off a bit nervous but soon got into his stride and came across as a total natural and his passion for the sport was obvious. He was happy to answer any questions that came from the audience and was very jovial and self-deprecating throughout.
He brought on a new bike he's built and mentioned that he's spent three years getting his position on it sorted just right. Sounds like another record attempt of some sort may be in the offing? but he played this one a bit coy!
The bike itself is made from 653 tubing and has an almighty 63 or 64 tooth chainring! I've got a couple of pictures i'll upload later but the weight (or lack of) in the bike was amazing.
To cap it off he spent a good half hour at the end making sure anyone who wanted a chat and an autograph got one and he also passed his Hour Medal from Bordeaux round the audience.
A true legend. If you ever get the opportunity to go to such an event in the future then I'd definitely recommend it. He seemed to enjoy himself and hopefully it is something he'd consider doing again in future as he's fascinating to listen to.
Grant has written more about the talk on the forum, well worth the read. Go here Scroll down the page a tad to get to the review.
Photo of Grant and Graham Obree by Johny Cunningham
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
The Hangar of Anger closes its doors
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
The last drop of sweat has dripped, the last groan has been grunted and Madonna has played her last song.
All through the Winter Bill held a turbo session every Tuesday evening in Torphichen and between 5 and 8 riders regularly made it up the hill to take the punishment handed out in the workouts. Like all Clarion club runs no one got dropped and the regular exercise kept us going when it was too icy or dark to get out on the roads. The group even kept coming back despite having to listen to Madonna's back catalogue for 5 months!
Many thanks to Bill for organising the evenings, never thought I would say this about turbo training but I'm looking forward to next Winter's work outs!
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Cap in hand

The caps are dead cheap only £6.50 each (plus VAT) and come in one size that would add to the sartorial elegance of any cyclist, so c'mon lets be 'aving you!
Please go to this link on the forum and place your order. Deadline this Friday 27th
Monday, 23 March 2009
Nowt wrong with jerseys
New kit - last orders

Bill is going to place another order for club kit with Endura, the deadline for getting your order to him is THIS FRIDAY 27TH.
Send Bill your name, and for each item state quantity, size, Item code and name of item as per example below:
Your Name
1 of size M 4068 pro bib short
If you are not sure about the product codes you can find the catalogue on the Endura web site which clearly shows all the items and their codes:
We've almost got enough for the minimum order of club caps - send bill your order for those too.
E-mail Bill to organise payment and if you have any questions relating to the kit order process: Bill.Young@monoconsultants.com
Saturday Run Report 21st March
Clarion recce the Etape Caledonia
Twa Wee Coonties Audax
Peter, Tobias, Jim and Matt rode down early on Sunday morning to the start of the Twa Wee Coonties 100 KM Audax in Dalmeny, with Graham and Craig saving their legs and driving to the town's church hall/event HQ.
An Audax is a non-competitive challenge where riders follow a predefined route which includes a number of checkpoints. Each rider is given a detailed description of the route but is otherwise left to complete the distance unassisted. Riders set their own pace but try to return to the finish within the minimum and maximum time specified for the event.
As usual, with this local event, there was a convivial atmosphere in the HQ, we had time to sign on and slurp a coffee or two while chatting to fellow Audaxers. Malcolm and Alan popped into wish us luck, making our yellow and black group a sizeable presence in the hall.
We set off into the strong headwind in four groups, with the goal of getting back to the finish with an average speed above 18 kmh. There were all ranges of riders, some decided to cycle on their own while others moved as a pack. Craig and Peter were ahead in the first group, Graham and Tobias followed in the Second while Jim and Matt set off in the last group.
It was blustery on the Forth Bridge with some riders reportedly getting blown a meter or two sideways, on the return journey the bridge was closed for a while, causing a cycling tailback. Everyone survived the crossing and set about getting to the first checkpoint a Clackmanan where we had our cards stamped and were served juice and chocolate bars.
We spotted Grant and his family in Culross on a Mother's day outing, he feigned surprise at meeting the Clarion, but I don't think he fooled anyone as to why he was really forcing the Thomsons to take a walk along a cold Forth Estuary!
The Next control was at the top of Dollar Glen where we were served handfuls of Jelly Babies before a fast decent to lunch at the Pow Mill cafe. We had a chance to regroup and have a blether before a wind assisted ride to the final checkpoint at Ballingry Toll. The most scenic part of the day past the quickest as we charged across the Fife countryside, passing Milanthort, Balgedie and Loch Leven in a blur.
At Ballingry the wind turned against us again and the ride to Inverkeithing was tough on weary legs, riders were getting split up and struggling home but the thought of the warmth and good hospitality back at the HQ in Dalmeny kept us going.
John Myerscough organises this Audax and he certainly knows how to put on a good event. Throughout the day riders were looked after by his friends and family. At the HQ tables are laden with sweet delicacies, fine wines and cheeses, sandwiches, chutneys and five types of home made soup served up by the young Myerscoughs - not bad for a fiver.
After enjoying the glorious food and drink, four of us struggled back to Linlithgow with heavy legs only slightly numbed by the red wine. We'd ridden about 90-odd miles.
Many thanks to John for putting on such a well organised and friendly event, look forward to next year.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Sadiq rides hard at the Lake APR
Lake APR_220309_0101
Originally uploaded by gaitor92
Sadiq (far rigth) rode the Lake PR today and had a really enjoyable race, doing a lot of hard work and feeling strong through out the event. read his report here.
Well what a day! In the third group to leave and after 1 mile I knew the group wouldn't last long as out of 10 riders there were points when there was only 4 or 5 of us doing the work with the others seemingly sitting in and saving themselves to jump on to the fourth group when they passed. I felt strong and rode at the front of the group 'till we got caught in what was a fast part of the course with a tailwind and a few shortish but steep climbs that suit me more than the longer stuff. Me and most of my group hung on to the fast group and it was status quo till 3/4 of the way round the first lap, where between the Rob Roy Hotel and Ballat Toll the headwind and looong drag gradually sorted the group with me falling off, leaving about a dozen to ride away. I regrouped with another 2 or 3 and rode through and off only to be passed by the scratch group (which provided the top 3 places) who would go on and rip the field to shreds.
On the wind tunnel to Buchlyvie another group of about 15 passed us and I found I could hang with them fairly easily enough 'till maybe 5 or 6 broke away on the short sharp climbs alongside the Lake of Menteith. This left a dozen or so of us to complete the final lap with me fairing a lot better on the long drag passed the Rob Roy, easily the most crucial part of the course reaching the top 5th or 6th in the group with the rest falling off the back. The headwind was horrible at this bit with seemingly all the riders talking about how tough this bit was . Me and two others caught the boys putting most pressure on the climb and rode round towards the finish. At this point I felt I was maybe one of the strongest of the group as I was doing plenty of work but I could feel the cramps coming on and new that any severe out of saddle effort could finish me there and then so I backed off a bit.
Approaching the deciding climb up to killearn, 2 miles before the finish, the rest of the group eased off leaving me out front by about 10 metres. It crossed my mind to go solo make a dash but I new the final climb, which was not used on the 1st lap, was very tough. I sat tight only for an initial to two break away on the climb. I was labouring at this point and came over the top last out of the five, before a final drop down to Balfron.
I was cooked at the finish but very very content knowing I had given it everything. The cramps were severe now. Final postitions havent been released yet but i'll be happy if I sneaked in the top 30.
This was an amzingly well organised event with loads of marshals and a good race HQ. The course was excellent, the rough roads in bits added to the character although I am probably only saying that as I didnt puncture. Was very nice to wear the kit, a few photos are on braveheart and it certainly stands out!
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Little blue rule book
Friday, 20 March 2009
Read all about it
Boots & Spurs, The Clarion magazine, should be drpping through the letter box of all Clarion members this week. There are a couple of stories about our section, a slightly out of date review of the last six months (23 members when written, 43 now!) and a story about Simon's RAAM preparation.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Mr President in all his finery
President after his first 10 TT
Originally uploaded by cervelobill
On the ride posters (here and here) Bill is already the the face (and arse) of the club! Now he's looking super cool in our new club kit.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Extra club kit to be ordered
Because of the overwhelming demand Bill is going to order some more club kit. He's set up a thread on the forum where you can post which items you want. Endura require a minimum of 15 items but If the total order is more than £750 there's a 10% discount. A couple of people are already talking about buying more than £250 worth of gear so it looks like there'll be a substantial reduction in cost.
Go to the Kit thread to post your order or email bill for more information at bill.young@trucomm.co.uk
There is also a thread if you want to order caps. We need a minimum of 25 for that order so as Delia said "C'mon lets be having you"
You can download a pdf of the brochure showing the clothing range at the Endura website
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Where am I number 4?
Where Am I 4
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
A sherbet Dip-Dab to the first person who knows where this photo was taken...
Member's Profile

I've set up a members' profile section in our on-line gallery at Flickr to make it easier to figure out whose who in the club. I don't have head shots of every member yet though. If you aren't there please send me a photo of yourself so I can upload it. You can also add comments about yourself too. Check out what we look like here
RadTour a success
Start of RadTour 5
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion Today's RadTour was a great event. 20 cyclists left the Leisure Centre in Linlithgow to ride a killer route into the Carron Valley and back. The organisers Grant and Tobias planned a superb ride and put in a great deal of work to make it run smoothly. Many thanks to Grant who manned the feed stop with Jimmy, to timekeepers Tobias and Kerstin and to the cooks Shona, Sharon, Foz, Jimmy, Tobias, Kirsten and Grant who baked some lovely grub. Bob dug deep to make it first back to the finish and Blair put in a heroic effort on his longest ever ride, fuelled by a bowl of Rice Crispies! Follow everyone's ride reports here and add your own and take a look at more snaps on Flickr
The club photo
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
We got together at the Linlithgow Leisure Centre today (Sunday) for the RadTour. Here's the club photo we took beforehand.
Back row left to right: Peter, Andy, Andy, Angus, Jim, Joe, Neil, Craig, Matt, Malcolm, Tobias, Ronnie
Front Row left to right: Mark, Allan, John, Graham, Stevie, Jim, spin class man, Bill, Bob, Mike, Simon, Craig, Grant, David
Kneeling: Dean, Blair, Kerstin
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Thumbs up from the kid
Young Alex Ball took delivery of the kit yesterday, saying "It's fantastic" and showed his enthusiasm by sleeping in it over night!
Friday, 13 March 2009
The Halfords crew
Ross and John get their kit on. John Says "The kit is totally rocking pass on my thanks to all involved, I will have it on tomorrow for a wee jaunt. Here are pics of moi and Rosco"
The First Lady gets kitted out
Shona +Kit
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
President's wife, Shona Young looks great in our new jersey. Send in photos of yourselves in the kit and I'll put them on the blog!
The jersey has landed
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
The kit has been sorted and bagged ready for collection (See below). Thanks to Bill and Shona for making the process easy and to Mark and his family for sorting out who gets what.
Here we have the beautiful Mark modeling the new jersey, still hot, off the press.Thursday, 12 March 2009
New kit pick-up time
Endura have fixed their dodgy equipment and I'm going to collect the kit today. You will be welcome to come round to my house to pick up your order today (Friday 13th) between 8.00pm and 9.30pm or on Saturday (14th) between 8.00pm and 9.30pm
Come round too If you want to see what the kit looks like before you order.
Our house is detached and looks like a bomb site. See map here
Sorry for the delay and any inconvenience to the three who didn't get yesterday's cancellation message.
I won't be dealing with any money related matters just handing stuff over!
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
New Member
Monday, 9 March 2009
Knock Hill Mountain TT
Sunday's snow and wind had a dramatic effect on the hilly time trail organised by Dunfermline CC. At 10am over in Whitburn the snow had blocked the roads so Sadiq couldn't make it to the start. Many West coast riders had similar problems.
In Linlithgow the weather wasn't as extreme so I made my way to the event HQ in Saline, Fife. A white topped Knock Hill loomed over the town, adding a sense of foreboding to the race. The weather deteriorated as the 1pm start approached, snow fell, the temperature dropped to 2C and the wind picked up.
A few riders put their numbers on, stepped outside, felt the chill air through their Lycra and handed their numbers back in! But Grant, in his first open event, and myself were determined to ride, how we laughed at conditions, shivering with the marshals on the Start line.
Most competitors were on road bikes, some with clip on tri-bars, there were a few riders using disc wheels on a day when even deep section rims would make riding tricky.
The Route begins with a climb through Saline on the B914 and then descends to a left turn at Red Craigs Toll. This first portion was wind assisted and I spotted speeds of 40mph on my speedo. 10 minutes into the race, snow had collected on my shoulders and my feet were sodden.
On the hilly A823 to the Powmill turn, the snow picked up and turned to hail in places. The side wind gusted from the West numbed my feet and I lost any feeling down the left hand side of my body, my face locked in a silent scream.
From the Powmill junction we raced into a block headwind, I regained some feeling down my side and I could now change my facial expression but I still couldn't feel my toes. The terrain was really uneven, I was either riding up at 15mph or down at 35mph.
Thankfully at the Gartorry RAB, my ride was once again wind assisted to Comrie, over an undulating but, fast, smooth road. I was caught out by the turn at Comrie and my legs started to fail me over the sharp climbs on the last leg to the finish.
What an race! I've only ever ridden once in weather worse than this and never raced in these conditions before. The Dunfermline CC hosted a superb event and the marshals should be commended for their sprit in the face of adversity. The food afterwards in the HQ was a welcome treat! We scoffed Scones, Cake, sandwiches, sausage rolls and tea-cake with lashings of tea and coffee. Well done to the organiser, Michael Summers, many thanks for a brilliant event - I'll be back
Every competitor was given a prize courtesy of www.hardie-bikes.com and www.swc.co.uk
There were 37 starters on, 2 DNF and around 23 DNS
Winner - Ben Abrahams (Velo Ecosse) in 01.04.51.
Matt - 11th in 01.11.35
Grant - 32nd in 01.30.53
Sunday Club Run 8th March
Andy sends in an 'emotional' ride report. "I knew something was up when at 5 past nine I aproached the cross to see Jim wrestling with a front wheel. A visit from the puncture fairy that took far more effort to repair than it had any right to, should have made us go home without any further thought. We persevered though (if only briefely) and headed out towards blackness, turning right to go past the park bistro and over the canal.
We started out well enough, the heavy snow initially being quite surreal to ride in especially as we were traveling with the wind at about the same speed as the falling snow. After turning more into the wind it took all of perhaps 2 minutes to realise just how uncomfortable it would be cycling in this weather.
Addmitedly I planted the seed but Jim was equally keen to call it a day and we headed back into Linlithgow, which for me was definately the right idea... I have never had 'ice cream heed' quite like that before...neither have I ever had to cycle with both eyes closed!
Jim commented that my face was a bit purple... I dont think I have ever found cycling quite so uncomfortable as I had up till that point. A foot of flood water across the road as we entered Linlithgow proved me wrong though. So with drenched feet I parted company with Jim, who by the way was dealing with the cycling far better than I was.
The pain in my face was now so bad that I was all over the road, not helped by having to ride with one eye open at a time. Obviously the road was not a safe place to be so I cycled back to polmont along the canal. 20 of the most arduous miles after leaving home I was back in the warm ... at last"
Where am I? 3
Where am I number 3?
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
Anyone know where this lovely road is? A free bag of cola cubes to the person with the first correct answer.
Saturday Run Report 7 March
We made our way towards Westfield and it was Mike who took the downhill 30 into the village from a long way out closely followed by Malcolm again. I led the group towards Bridgehouse from Westfield for the first gradient of the day and the bunch were soon split as this wee hill goes on for ever. We regrouped at the top when the tandem appeared and then set off towards the glorious Slammanan, via the Heights road which would lead to Blackridge if you were that brave!
Angus was only out for a short run, so he headed home at the kennel junction. The next climb of the day to Slammanan split the group again but we had a good work outl. We regrouped at Slammanan and we were accosted my a masked terrorist! that turned out to be just a local laddie, wearing a full balaclava, a scarey place if you ask me!
The route was now out towards Longriggend into the full-on west wind. Myself, Stevie, Andy,Mike, Dick and Ross got the pace up and held it quite well until the Limerigg turn where we waited for the gang soon to arrive.
Malcolm headed home due to time constraints. The fixed wheels were useless on the fast wind assisted descents and very soon Stevie and I were swamped by the gang as they benefited from their gears. The 30 sprint at Limerigg was won by Mike again and the route back to Avonbridge was torture at cadence over130 on a fixed wheel.
A big welcome to Andy who braved the route on his TT bike, he was still smiling as we bid our farewells.
Rgds, Bill"
Friday, 6 March 2009
Pro tips for Clarion testers
Journalist and club member, John McComisky interviewed cycling pro Evan Oliphant from the Plowman Craven Madison team and found out some useful tips on how to ride our own club 10 TT course, go to the forum for a sneak peak of the article.
Full article published in City Cycling
Pick your kit up!
Bill will be handing out the kit at the Hangar of Anger on Thursday 12th of March between 7.00pm and 9.00pm.
email him at Bill[DOT]Young[AT]trucomm.co.uk for more details
Map of where the hangar is here
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Free BCF Bronze and Silver membership
Another new member
He rode last Saturday's club run and liked the atmosphere "I had the pleasure of being out at the weekend with some of the guys from the club and thoroughly enjoyed the experience."
Dick has ridden a few sportives including the Circuit of the Cotswolds, the Spud Riley Challenge, the Drumlanrig Sportive and takes part in the Edinburgh to St Andrews run every year. "I have many sporting interests other than cycling, Football being my main passion. But I've been a recreational cyclist for around 4 years and commute part of, or sometimes all of the journey to work on an Airborne Thunderbolt, my summer stallion is a TREK 1500 with a few modifications."
Dick felt the Clarion was the right club for him "I was looking for a sociable group of riders where I didn't get my legs burned off and hey presto that's where the Clarion came in."
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Our 40th member
Cycling is Mark's favorite discipline and he rode a few of the Mid Scotland reliability rides. Mark says "I've enjoyed these rides and a few people have told me I should join a cycle club for the extra training! After reading up on a few local clubs I really like the enthusiasm of the members of the Clarion so here I am. I hope to meet you all soon"
Monday, 2 March 2009
Grant's 'uneventful' bike ride
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Our kit arrives next week!
WLC Clours in Hama Beads
Originally uploaded by SparkyP1969
According to our Endura mole, the kit will get delivered Thursday 12th March ready for Bill to organise the collection. See Bill's posting on the forum
Forum Fever
The Ride Buddy category is proving popular with members who want company on mid-week runs and the forum has been extended with Club BAR, Out & About and Q&A categories
St David's Day Sunday Run
Leeks and daffodils were conspicuous by there absence on Sunday as five riders left Linlithgow Cross for the Dalmeny Estate. Andy was happy to repeat his Saturday ride, Matt was on his fixed, Lesley arrived on her expedition-level Peugeot and first timer Craig, from Lauriston (AKA Long Legs Lance) was on a 62cm Trek. His bike is so tall that we had to get special permission to ride by Edinburgh airport. Jim turned up complaining about a mysterious bug he'd picked up on a trip to Peru, and 'talked up' his five weeks off the bike.
We took a steady pace out of the town, chatting about unusual Scottish names such as 'Versace McClatchy' that Jim had come across and whether the club will be entering a women's team into the Scottish TTT champs. Surprisingly, an 'ill' Jim took the 30-sprint into Kirkliston in a style that was described as 'Ewartesque'
On the return leg we had the pleasure of riding the newly surfaced road to Dalmeny before we split at Kirkliston, Jim and Leslie headed back to Linlithgow while Matt, Craig and Andy took the high-and-mucky roads into the Bathgate Alpes.
Where am I?
Where am I2
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
Anyone know where this lovely West Lothian road is? A free Cadbury's Fudge for the first correct answer...
It's Spring!
It's Spring!
Originally uploaded by westlothianclarion
The good weather must be just around the corner, I saw these ickle lambs on Sunday
Saturday Ride 28th Feb
Bill said "It was a good bunch today and we really enjoyed everyone's company. My legs are quite stiff already, it was no easy feat against the head wind on the way back. It's funny how you think it's so easy, then you turn and wham the wind hits you full on! Ross did well and it was good to meet Graham. After the ride I called Mark and he said that he struggled today, no wonder, cycling 12 miles there and back to Livingston plus the ride, ouch! Thanks to Angus for his hints on fixed wheel riding, he has a wealth of knowledge. We rode about 40 miles"
Dick said"Thank you all for a great ride today. first time out with the club, and you all really made my mate and I more than welcome. The banter was good and the riding equally so. Thanks to all who pulled on the front, being new, I tended to wheel suck a lot of the time so to all you guys that took the wind right in the fizzer, chapeau!"