Two riders braved the awful weather and set off from the Cross at Linlithgow for 9.00am.
Andy sends in an 'emotional' ride report. "I knew something was up when at 5 past nine I aproached the cross to see Jim wrestling with a front wheel. A visit from the puncture fairy that took far more effort to repair than it had any right to, should have made us go home without any further thought. We persevered though (if only briefely) and headed out towards blackness, turning right to go past the park bistro and over the canal.
We started out well enough, the heavy snow initially being quite surreal to ride in especially as we were traveling with the wind at about the same speed as the falling snow. After turning more into the wind it took all of perhaps 2 minutes to realise just how uncomfortable it would be cycling in this weather.
Addmitedly I planted the seed but Jim was equally keen to call it a day and we headed back into Linlithgow, which for me was definately the right idea... I have never had 'ice cream heed' quite like that before...neither have I ever had to cycle with both eyes closed!
Jim commented that my face was a bit purple... I dont think I have ever found cycling quite so uncomfortable as I had up till that point. A foot of flood water across the road as we entered Linlithgow proved me wrong though. So with drenched feet I parted company with Jim, who by the way was dealing with the cycling far better than I was.
The pain in my face was now so bad that I was all over the road, not helped by having to ride with one eye open at a time. Obviously the road was not a safe place to be so I cycled back to polmont along the canal. 20 of the most arduous miles after leaving home I was back in the warm ... at last"
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