John McComisky sent in a report about his midweek ride with David and Jason. They organised the ride using our forum's ride buddy thread. If you're looking for someone to ride with then take a peek.
John says" Dave McTurk, Jason Bell and myself took on the wind and buffeting today with a run out from Boness. The idea was to have a steady paced ride, so Jason could get used to being in a group. We need not have worried as the boy done good and his membership is in the post.
I normally take a battering while training on my own, so it was a nice change to have this run of around 50 miles, taking in Kincardine, Clackmannan and a nine mile run along a railway cycle path to Oakley in Fifedom. A steady pace of around 15mph, no heroics but we did some through-and-off work into a headwind at TT pace, which was hard going for us all but good fun nonetheless.
David regaled us of his pre-ride nutrition which consisted of a Chicken Tikka Masala Curry, a cunning ploy, I personally think, as he was kept downwind as much as possible! Dave has to get the mileage of the month award, he reckons he's ridden 400 plus miles already!-good effort mate.
Jason has potential on climbs and blasted up a couple of lengthy numbers with ease, leaving us trailing in his wake. (I think we need to enter him in a couple of junior races at some point). As with all good rides a café stop (Loganlea) was included at Forestmill and that was a good end to a day in the saddle. We had to battle the gusts back across the Forth and away from the Kingdom of Elves, Goblins and pixies-lol.
I'm making the most of a week's holiday but if any of you fancy a midweek spin just get in touch, as the banter alone is worth it, and the pace can be altered to suit anyone.
Route: Boness-Falkirk-Kincardine-Oakley-plenty of back roads-Saline-Forestmill Kincardine-Falkirk-Grangemouth and Boness. (40+ undulating miles).
Sounds like a nice run John, maybe one for a Sunday if you fancy taking the lead?
Tried David's pre-ride meal today. Left over curry from the night before. It got pretty windy but it was all natural and nothing to do with me! Trouble was the Chicken curry only lasted for an hour and a half and I needed to fill up with snacks to keep me going.
That's SO anti-social if you were riding in a bunch!
I am going for curry tapas tonight so Herr Campesino may be in for a shock tomorrow!!!
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