The club had it's first AGM last Thursday, 29th, at The Black Bitch pub in Linlithgow. Here's a quick update of what went on. Full minutes to be posted later.
1. Sadiq chaired the meeting and gave a quick run down of the club's achievements in the last year, including our last place in the Scottish TTT champs, our increasing membership and popular the club runs. Sadiq then introduced Jimmy Harris to the club and presented him with honorary membership for his support and kind donation of 4 trophies.
Sadiq then announced he was standing down as President due, mainly, to work commitments.
2. After thanking Sadiq for his great contribution in setting up the club last year and getting us moving forward it was time to elect officials:
Presedent: Bill Young
Secretary: Matthew Ball
Treasure: Graham Foster
Rides Secretary: Grant Thomson
Race Secretary: Tobias Bauer
Social Secretary: Bob Simpson.
3. The club asked for volunteers for a rides rota and TT marshal rota, members agreed to put their names forward and will do so when the forum is launched. New member John McComisky volunteered to be the forum administrator.
4. The club constitution was passed unanimously with the amendment that the club colours wil not change for 10 years.
5. Subs will be £15 for seniors, £10.50 for family and £8.50 for juniors. The club now has 39 members after 6 joined on the night, welcome to Blair Campbell, Dean Campbell, Andrew Richards, Jill Sneddon, John McComisky, and Craig Marshall. Five are women, 33 Men and one Junior.
6. Matt Talked a bit about the National Clarion and encouraged members to take part in Clarion events. The club is now affiliated to the SCU
7. Foz gave his financial statement, it looks like we're doing fine, he's in the process of sorting a bank account out. More information on the accounts once Foz explains them to me!
9. AOB: Tobias proposed that Sadiq would be made an Honarary member and this was passed unanimously.
Grant said "A big thank you to everyone who came along to the club's first AGM last night. There was a lot of good ideas coming forward and the meeting was held in a good spirit and I reckon it bodes well for the future of the club. Big thanks also to Foz, Sadiq, Bill and Matt for doing a good job of keeping such a motley crew in order for the proceedings! Keep your eyes peeled for details of our first reliabilty ride which will be held on Sunday 15th March 2009!"
Malcolm went on to say "Good meeting last night and some good decisions made (apart from keeping the shirt colours for longer than it takes to wear it out)"
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