Hi All,
I am delaying publishing the new list of club runs until the mgt c'tee has met to discuss some new ideas about same.
So, in the meantime, can I suggest that for this w/e the runs should be:
Lang Wang
9.00 am
Ride Leader(s): TBA
East Calder
Avonbridge Loop
8.30 am
Ride Leader(s): TBA
For Sunday, meet at the Cross at 9 am, route decided on the day.
Can I also add that we are now officially into Winter riding season so that means 2 things for us:
1. Can all riders please use bikes fitted with some sort of mudguards please; nothing is worse, at this time of year, than getting a face full of WL toothpaste from the rider in front!
2. Although the ride departure time will not change for LLC, for EC the time changes to 8.30 am.
Forecast looks reasonable with possibility of light showers, 12C and a 11 mph S.
Let's all enjoy our riding and, for all those who did the Group Riding Skills session last Sat, let's try to put it into practice and spread the word!
So, who will be out the w/e?
BTW, FIFA have now said we can wear a poppy too!
Neil Greer
Club Runs Captain
West Lothian Clarion
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