Thursday, 5 May 2011

Wanted: Volunteers for our Open 10TT

Last years Clarion Open 10 TT was a superb event. Lets make our 2011 race just as good but we need your help.
Please volunteer your time. It's your chance to don a fluorescent tabard and bellow loudly without anyone telling you to be quiet. Tobias Bauer, the organiser explains more:

Dear all

As in 2010, the West Lothian Clarion is organising an open 10-mile time trial on the Cambusbarron course near Stirling. This year’s event will be on Sunday 5 June at 8am.

As always, this is only possible with the help of club members and other volunteers and I am looking for people who are willing to take on one of the following tasks:

One commissaire
Time keepers and recorders x 3
Marshals x 4
Rider registration x 2
Kitchen and other helpers x 3
Bakers and food preparers
Last year we had to ask external officials to act a commissaire and time keepers but I feel that we now have the expertise needed to cover these posts within the club. A TT is a very good way of getting first experience as assistant road commissairs since it doesn’t require any convoys, cars, etc.

Our open events have a very good reputation and I am confident that we can repeat last year’s success.

Please let me know if you are able to help.

Thanks in advance,


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