2010 membership ends on 31st December 2010 so we are now taking renewals for 2011 and also welcome new members
Memberships are currently invited into either Senior or Household categories.
Senior membership £15
Any individual aged 18 and above and is £15
Household memberships £10.50
Subject to there being a Senior member resident, the second and any subsequent member thereafter, is entitled to become a Household member.
Those aged 15-17 can join as Household members only, and may only ride on club events where they are supervised at all times by a parent or guardian who is also a member.
Cheques should be made payable to "West Lothian Clarion" and sent to the Secretary Matthew Ball
When renewing members only need to submit a membership form if their details have changed
For more details email secretary[AT]westlothianclarion.co.uk
Youth memberships: £7
Those aged 6-14 can join the West Lothian Clarion Kids Club. Membership for 2011 will be £7 which also includes membership of the National Clarion. For more details contact the kids club secretaryEwen Fulton at kidsclub[AT]westlothianclarion.co.uk
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