The club celebrated the year with a terrific champions night party last week.
The evening was an opportunity to get together with club mates and pay respect to all those who have performed well in 2010.
Race secretary, Grant Craven, commissioned four new trophies including a men's and women's hill climb plaque, a freewheel champion's cobble and a shield for the club member of the year. Kevin O'hara has also donated a trophy for the club's 2-up championship which will be contested next year.
Stephen Henley did a great job in organising the night and was an entertaining compare for the evening.
Graham Foster planned and presented a superb cycling quiz which turned out to also be a masterclass in power point presenting! Graham's quiz was won by Steve and Eve Beech and Ali McQuillen
Members were very generous in donating a vast selection of superb prizes for the raffle, which in true Clarion fashion was highly contested, even down to the last set of bicycle clips!
It was also announced that Julie Dominguez won the National Clarion's points competition for the best all round rider and club secretary, Matthew Ball, was made an honorary member in recognition for the work he does for the club.
Thanks to every one who came along to support the night and especially to Stephen, Graham and Grant along with the rest of the committee.
What you said:
"It was a great night with a superb venue. Good to chat and catch up with club members. Discovering the 'other' bar with the real ale was a find too (or maybe not - my hangover is still developing!)"
Steve McCaw
"A huge thanks to the host and organiser Stephen. It was an excellent evening. Well done to everyone that won an award they were all well deserved.
The raffle was excellent with some pretty good prizes. it was a laugh towards the end as we 'fought' over the remaining few items!
I have to thank Robin at the Bike and Ski Clinic for donating some of the lights that were up for grabs."
Andy Richards
"Thanks for organising a great night, Steve, and for getting the trophies made up, Grant. Still wearing my medal"
Debbie Pollard
"Great night last night! Well done to all the champs and record breakers. Stephen, you are a natural on stage! I'm really proud to be in the Clarion and will be renewing my membership ASAP"
Colin Humphries
"For me it just perfectly reflected what a cycling club should be. Record breakers; national award winners; social members; people improving and moving 'to the next level'; kids stuff; super-tourists; mad mental mile eating audaxers;climbers; tracksters;road racers, testers;sportivers;urban cycling campaigners;coaches;organisers;bingo callers;quiz masters etc. etc. etc. Brilliant!"
Angus Gallie
"To echo the other comments, it was certainly a very enjoyable evening. Good organisation (thanks Stephen, Grant, Foz and the others - it certainly makes being the President a lot easier) and good company.
And well done to all who won a prize for their riding and/or their engagement in keeping the club going. As mentioned before, the club has become a major player in Scotland and many comments I receive show that other clubs appreciate what we do for cycling in the country by organising, helping with and participating in events. Well done again and keep up the good work."
Tobias Bauer (President)
Have a look at what you can win next year, role on 2011!
Men's TT series Champion
Allan McCrimmon
Women's TT series champion
Diane Cox
Junior TT series champion
Blair Campbell
Men's Hill Climb Champion
Jonathan Buckley
Women's Hill Climb Champion
Debbie Pollard
Freewheel Champion
Mark McCabe
Tour of Trossochs Cup
Matt Ball
Club Person of the year
Kerstin Bonau
Best All rounder trophy:
Not awarded
2-up TT champions cup
Not awarded
10TT Record
21.25 Steve McCaw (May 2010)
22.01 Steve McCaw (May 2010)
22.06 Steve McCaw (May 2010)
22.34 Matt Ball (March 2010)
Women's 10TT record
27.37 Julie Dominguez (18th June 2009)
25TT Record
56.09 Steve McCaw (June 2010)
50TT Record
1.57.56 Steve McCaw (June 2010)
The 10 TT Bridgend-Kirkliston course record was broken 5 times:
22.17 Jonathan Buckley (June 2010)
22.21 Jonathan Buckley (June 2010)
22.38 Matthew Ball (June 2010)
22.58 Matthew Ball (May 2010)
23.12 Jonathan Buckley (May 2010)
Women's 10 TT Bridgend-Kirkliston course record
28.32 Julie Dominguez (15th August 2009)
28.38 Julie Dominguez (28th May 2009)
28.50 Julie Dominguez (14th May 2009)
Kingscavil Hill climb club record
2.20 Jonathan Buckley (September 2010)
Women's Kingscavil hill climb club record
3.49 Michelle Gregory (October 2010)
4.58 debbie Pollard (September 2010)
Sea to Sky Challenge - Men
The club's place to place record
59.58 Matthew Ball (September 2010)
1.00.33 Steve McCaw (June 2010)
Sea to Sky Challenge - Women
1.32 Debbie Pollard (June 2010)