As of the 1st of September this year the 2011 membership is open to new members
If you join for the first time you will get an additional 3 months free, you won't have to rejoin until January 2012
The membership fee stays the same: £15, and includes membership of the National Clarion (£6) and a £1 donation per member to the Barveheart Fund.
In addition there is a household membership at a reduced rate of £10.50 (see below)
To download a membership form please go to: http://www.westlothianclarion.co.uk/join.html
Senior membership is open to any individual aged 18 and above.
Household memberships. A household is formed by those permanently resident at the same address, with one exception, noted below.
Subject to there being a Senior member resident, the second and any subsequent member thereafter, is entitled to become a Household member. This affords a 50% reduction in section membership fee. The fees due to the National Clarion are unaffected and full voting rights are retained.
Those aged 15-17 can join as Household members only, and may only ride on club events where they are supervised at all times by a parent or guardian who is also a member. A parent and child (aged 15-17)will always be treated as being of the same household,
regardless of their place(s) of residence. Those below the age of 15 are able to join the kids section
For more information email secretary[AT]westlothianclarion.co.uk
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