Scot Tares from Skinny Tyres has sent in this worrying report about possible disruption to the Etape Calidonia on May 16th
Whether you are doing the Etape Caledonia or not, this may be of interest to you in terms of cycling and supporting the rights of cyclists.
ACRE (anti closed roads events) have set up a press conference for Monday 10th May at 10.30am at the Royal George Hotel, George St in Perth. This group have kept this press conference secret as they do not want anyone to come along and spoil their anti-cyclist point of view. This has been leaked out and it would be good if anyone who wants to go along to the Hotel on Monday morning with their bike was able to and could offer a balanced point of view to the assembled journalists.
The vast majority of people and businesses in Highland Perthshire support cycling and the Etape Caledonia as they realise the massive economic benefit that the event is bringing to the area. The spin offs are also potentially huge, so this group are not only trying to hamper a cycling event, they are actively being detrimental to the local economy. They have rather insensitively named their press conference "ACRE changes tack", in reference to the carpet tack incident that happened at last years event. They obviously find this funny, but for this incident was potentially dangerous for many cyclists on the road that day and for those Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Brothers and Sisters who wanted to enjoy a safe and fun day out cycling, it was definitely not a joke and put them at great risk.
There are several ways you can show your sentiment against the ACRE group:
• Turn up at the Royal George Hotel in Perth at 10.20am on Monday 10th May with your bike to show your support for cycling in Highland Perthshire.
• Visit the Facebook page at Friends of the Etape Caledonia and join the group.
• Forward this email to anyone you know who is interested in cycling
• Send a Twitter message with the details to your friends and followers.
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